Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6

Day 6...just another day....
Doodle and I played and watched The Grinch (original version) this morning. Then I busted out the Fisher Price Little People St. Patrick's Day Parade set. She was in heaven. And GusGus was totally loving the Irish jig music it plays. We played. She coloured. We called Grammy and told her about the new little people set. Then lunch. Then GusGus got sad and we watched Matlock to make it better. Worked on the rehearsal schedule. Doodle got up from her nap and informed me she wanted to watch Frosty...that girl looooves her Christmas movies, just like her auntie. sigh!
Then rehearsal.
Then off to the "big" city to get posters made. And buy lettuce. And way too many things for the kids....and a Phineas and Ferb Easter box for me....YAY!!!!! It needs a liner bag and then it can be a purse. Also a Talking Timmy Sheep for Doodle...Double Yay!!!!
Good tired......definitely pictures tomorrow!

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