Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 17: SPOILER ALERT (skip the first bit if you don't want the climax of LOTR ruined for you)

The following event(s) took place in Middle-earth on March 25th: (via
  • The Host is surrounded on the Slag-hills (3019)
  • Downfall of Barad-dûr and the passing of Sauron (3019)
  • Frodo and Samwise reach the Sammath Naur (3019)
  • Gollum seizes the Ring and falls in the Cracks of Doom (3019)
  • Minas Tirith (3019)
  • Frodo comes home (3020)
  • Birth of Elanor the Fair, daughter of Samwise (3021)
That's right people, today is THE day! The day of ALL days, really! The fall of Barad-dur and Sauron. Rock on Frodo, Sam, & well as everyone back at Minas Tirith, indeed all of Gondor, fighting for their lives and the defense of Middle Earth. Woohoo!!!! Best day EVER!!!!!

Next up: Doctor Who hair clips!

Tardis..........................................and Dalek..............................and Bad Wolf, OH MY!
They are actually all one of a pair.
Colours are variable on request!!!!
If I can draw it, I will sell it!!!!

Yay! I can't wait until Sarah sees them tomorrow!!!!!! They turned out even better than I hoped for, particularly the Bad Wolf ones. And now I just want to make Daleks in every colour!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!

So. I am currently looking up songs about gum for the play.....gotta have a lovely gum song for's been extraordinarily interesting so far.....i encourage you all to check it out...but boy is there a lot of crap out there!!!! too much!!!

Whooo Hwoooo!!!! I've found an Ella Fitzgerald/bubble gum song!!!! Perfecto!!!!!

Today was a big crazy day. Rehearsal from 9-1. Doctor at wonderful! very successful visit. Then home for a twidge. Off to comfort Doodle (she's been sick all week and just couldn't handle it any more). Then off to C-U with Dad...medicine to pick up, lightbulbs and concrete mix at lowes, a bit of groceries, and way too much time waiting at pharmacies (that's right...multiple) to find out that no one could give me my most anticipated muscle relaxors.....sigh. I have high hopes for getting it tomorrow!

Big day tomorrow too.....parents meeting at 10. Off to Gibson after that for lunch and thrifting with Sarah. Set work and painting the flats Warhol-style after that. Also some springthanksgiving dinner prep prolly, in anticipation of Sunday.....YAY TURKEY SOUP!!!!!!!!

It's my favourite time of the early months ~ the second coming of fresh Turkey Soup!!!!!

right. that's it. this is sarah signing off for the night. over and out!

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