Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 5

Sunday..........Ah, Sunday.

Woohoo! Slept in late!!! Very slow start to the day!
Finally made it out the door, adventures at D.G. with Dad. They had water noodles and small hoolahoops! Awesome sprinkles! AND in a freakishly amazing turn of events, they also had small plush squirrels which will be a perfect addition to the demise of Veruca Salt. I purchased the lot, plus a box of garbage can liners for my recycling bins at school. Super Awesome Shopping Trip!!!!

Finally, we made it to the h.s., which was our original destination. A Chocolate Factory cannot build itself without loads of cardboard and the mission of the day was to discover how much I had in stock and see if I needed to order the procurement of more cardboard over the course of the next few days. Spring break is imminently upon us, which means my knife, my paintbrush, random bits of bright coloured bits and bobs, and I will be extraordinarily busy!!! A set must be CREATED!!!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory WILL be gorge
ous to look at!!!!! And brilliant!!!!!!!

It was discovered that there is a copious amount of cardboard..and large cardboard, at that....behind the flats. Most excellent!

Then it was home again, home again. It's fundraiser time on PBS again, which means they are finally showing the last 4 episodes of David Tennant as Doctor Who. Today being the airing of the final episode. The End of Time, pt 2. I knew I would
cry. In fact, it was a given. I knew I would sob. Also a given. But damn, no amount of preparing mentally would have made it easier, even though I knew it was going to happen.........I texted my emotional vents back and forth with one of the kids who is also a die-hard whogirl during pledge breaks. We were both a mess. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to enter the world of Who as guided by Matt Smith, but David Tennant will always hold my heart. How could he not? Have you seen his Hamlet? And now he's doing Much Ado About Nothing with Donna. Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

So yeah, set working, squirrels, and David Tennant. Those were the main points of my day. Read a bit of Linger. Currently watching Bones reruns while typing this.

Pictures of squirrels imminent.

Especially as I am planning to put one on a headband to be the one testing to see if Veruca is a bad nut!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Also must find my shrinky dinks! I have a hair clip order to fill!!!!!!

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