Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 11

i MUST make a bag like the one on left!!!!!!!!

via Fashionably Geek

So. I can move better least somewhat!!!!

Hmmm. Whatelse? Oh. I finished Linger today. Sigh. So lovely! Unfortunately, Forever does not come out until my birthday....which is in July....but how cool is it that it comes out ON my birthday....not that I'll get it or anything, cause I already have Shiver in paperback. Sigh.

This means, one more book from the library to read (Jane) and then I can get the next Hunger Games book. Huzzah!!!! I cannot wait!!!!

Of course, I also have to read the first Dresden book and a couple of books the drama kids lent me and some Jane Austen continuations loaned to me by a dear friend......I am soooo backed up on books right now......huzzah!!!!! i lurve reading sooooooo very much!!!!! Good thing it's spring break!!!!!!

So. In between set building/painting, crafting, visiting with friends, and break is kinda packed! plus i need to do taxes, some other paperwork, and get a grownup job.......GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!

Also. must put up crafty pictures. and work on my Goodreads account. Really want to get some books entered into that one!!!!!!!!!

Busy, busy week ahead!!!!!!!!

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