Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 13

it's always an early bloomer.......these pics are a week or two old, but oh it's one of my all time favourites!!!!!!

had a lovely impromptu lunch and some quality time with the bro and his beautiful fam.

can't wait for tomorrow!!!!! k and i are going to scrap like there's no tomorrow, possibly because I can't even remember the last time we actually did any scrapping together!!! (hopefully the kids will let us...fingers crossed!)

I'm hoping to use some of the pictures I just got from Shutterfly to start a photojournal....Grammy got me Elsie's Photojournal E-Course for Christmas!!!!! Best thing ever!!!! Soooooo excited!

Am also going to be busting out the shrinkydinks for a couple of projects that have a Wednesday due date. Huzzah!

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