Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 10

So. Bestest thing ever. 2 things, actually. even better than yesterday's appearance of a new screen shot from The Deathly Hallows Pt 2......

They have found Atlantis!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!! I know I've personally been looking for it for years.

Well, that and the Bermuda grandparents had a book about the bermuda triangle and from a young age I've always been interested in that kind of stuff....the whole Roanoke colony thing, the loch ness monster, bigfoot, human spontaneous combustion, etc, etc, etc

And the other most epic awesomeness of the day......drumroll please.....

New footage from The Deathly Hallows!!!!!!!!! And cast talking!!!!!!

Huzzah!!!!!!!!! Best day EVER!!!!!! least on the Sarahland, however, not so cool.....currently suffering from such intense lower back pain that I can barely move. How awesome is that?!?!?! Yeah, that's what I thought. Pretty freaking awesome. Good job spring break started today and I totally had noooooo plans. It's not like I was going to build and paint a set or anything.......................sigh.....

Yep. So. that's my day. I could barely lift Gus from one position to another on my lap. Good grief!!!! Back pain is hereditary in my fam, so Yay me!

And now I will go to bed, I believe!

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