Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2

Today was long. We're all still sick-feeling around here. Sigh....I had a meeting at 8:30am with Mickey, which was awesome. Must continue to do lots of praying on that front.
Practice, then performances at 7:00pm. 2 scenes from Charlie and the Hatter scene from my newest Alice play.....second time I've been forced to perform at Fine Arts since leaving high school. Also had to be in charge of the whole speaking thing. I pretty much failed.

Charlie discovered blue grass today, in the form of the opening to The Bearanstein Bears. He really quite liked it! Good choice, Chuck!!!!

Finally only one play to work on for a while. Or at least a couple days....I need to write up a little playlet on growing for the April Growing Together, which is of course, the Thursday after Charlie. I know after performing Shakespeare at the nursing home I said we'd never do a show the week after a show, but this is pretty much completely different. A) it's not Shakespeare being re-remembered from the previous fall. B) it's five minutes for 0-5 year olds. I think we can handle it!

Okay. Now it's off to dreamland. Where I will dream of dutifully doing laundry and cleaning the house and being a perfect tenant.

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