Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 3 & Day 4

So, Mom's computer wouldn't let me sign on to blogger on Friday or Saturday, so here's what went down:

Day 3:
We, in a lovely turn of events, had canceled rehearsal for the day because we'd been struggling to fight terrible illness all week. It was so nice to not have that pressure to be ready to go and relax and snuggle with the kids and just be.
I did laundry. Superfun, always.
Doodle and I got prepared for our evening events by practicing our applause and "Bravo"'s.
Finally: our big evening plans!

K, Grammy, Doodle and I headed up to the land of GCMS to see Once Upon a Mattress. Doodle was so stinking adorable. She danced and danced and danced during the Spanish Panic. She cheered and yelled bravo and clapped and clapped. We only managed to make it through Act 1, though, as the show didn't start til 7:30 and it's a real musical, so it's loooooong. But boy was it worth it!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!! Best Night Ever!!!!!

Day 4:
Started out not so great but had a good ending.
First thing, I threw up.
Then it was decided that Dad and I would go grocery shopping. Which turned out to be a lovely trip. I got the yarn I had been needing and he got the planner pages he'd been needing. I successfully made it in and out of Michael's undistracted from my mission. I also officially made it in and out of Staples without getting distracted by pretty pens and notebooks. sigh. Tragedy tragedy.
Tons more grocery shopping ensued. Huzzah.
Home again, got food ready for the big Ultreya in F.C.
The ultreya was loverly. It was so good to see everyone again! I got to hang out with Sarah and get to know her husband a bit. Conversations of books, Die Hard, more abounded. Huzzah!!!!
Introduced Deacon Scott's wonderful Lenten playlet.
Wished we weren't losing an hour of sleep in the middle of the night.
Went to sleep.

Thus were the last two days. So very much excitement in this little corner of my world.

So worried about Japan. Terrifi-edly paranoid about their nuclear reactor situations. Prayers and thoughts with them all. Am going to find out what I can do to help.

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