Wednesday, March 30, 2011 That's Geektastic!

OHMIGOSH!!!!! This shirt is hilariously awesome!!!!!!! I loooooove it!

Best thing Ever!!!!!!

And in other great things, I would to
tally wear this for life!!!!

And she's got lots of other brilliant, reasonably priced jewelerys in her Etsy shop!

And because clearly this blog is a twidge nerdcentric, I give you these:

It's been a great week in Doctor Who mash-up tshirts!!!! I so especially am in love with the Tom Baker/Winnie the Pooh one!!!!!

And now, in the world of Sarah, things were pretty same old, same old today. Mom's still sick. The kids are still cough-y. My back is super painful. The Oompa Loompas were superduper adorable during rehearsal today. I get to write an accident report tomorrow - hurrah.
Watching some Chuck currently, but I think I'm off to bedferdshire now!

all nerdiness today scavanged from FashionablyGeek

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