Sunday, September 11, 2011

poor bloggy

poor little blog. my life went crazy and i basically haven't been on the internet since el last post.

plus, i was gone.

(for a while anyway...more travels this week.......)

so. more brilliance coming later today. have to live thru move-in, first.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Isn't this just the most beautiful thing?!?!!?

Pretty sure I'm in love. Sigh. So gypsy-faerie-magical....

I definitely made the most excellent shirt design tonight for the Theatre Program. Yay ME! Some people will think it is most excellent. Some people will want to punch us in the face even more than normal. Some people will die from its gloriousness.
Unfortunately, it won't upload. So you'll have to wait until I put it on a shirt.....after I get a shirt for it....hmmmm....what colour?????

So I think I'm going to investigate getting a carrying case for the sound board. I think it would be a good idea. And it's less than $200. Have to check the board model first, of course.
Got a Carvin catalogue in the mail the other day. Roo and I looked at it together. She wants a guitar. She also has the sound board on the page opposite the one that looks like a newer model of mine. Interesting.

thought about discussing the star wars wallpaper that is know, for over $300/roll big enough to cover anything.....but i'll wait.

am feeling a bit empty.
a bit exhausted mentally.
a bit nervous excited.
a bit in love with the wombats (still, and more than a bit)
a huge bit tired.
quite a bit tragic.

silly girl.

This however, is a wonderful ending. And also reminds me of the Dalek nursery decoration I need to discuss.....soon.


hilariously adorable.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


fail day, blog.
spent too much time looking at the online script shipping thru the 18th!
too late. no excitement.
lots of work accomplished.
will be dreaming of shakespeare.
and possibly having nightmares about the beverley hillbillies musical.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm a balloon on a broken string


I totally just found a script for The Neverending Story!!!!!! Also, The Giver. 2 of the best stories ever!!!! Thinking of my great love for The Giver from a young age makes me realize that I've been a huge fan of dystopian fiction for a very long time. Hmmm. Interesting.
Oh The Hunger Games how I love thee!!!!!

Sometimes I don't feel like laughing. This definitely has the power to change that:

Kind of freaking hilarious! And wonderful!!

So, I'm pretty sure that The Boy Least Likely To raids my thoughts and emotions while I sleep so that they can write glorious songs. Seriously.
The lyrics to I Keep Myself To Myself are completely me, in a nutshell. A companion song to my other song, Be Gentle With Me.

I keep myself to myself
And no one else
Knows how it feels to be me and I’m
All by myself
I got a tick and a twitch
For everything
The world is made up of boxes that
I don’t fit in
Sometimes when I look up at the stars I
Feels so alone because I know
That no one can ever
See the world the same way that I do
I am afraid of falling in love so I
Keep myself to myself
I want a cookie and I need a hug but I
Keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
And when I’m sad
I comfort myself with thinking that
No one understands
Sometimes I dig through the shells at a low tide
I wonder if anything fragile
Could ever survive in this world without getting broken
I am afraid of things that can hurt so I
Keep myself to myself
I feel completely alone in the world and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
And so wherever I go I wear
My heart uncomfortably on my sleeve
I put my elbows up over my ears and I
Keep myself to myself
I close my eyes and the world disappears and I
Keep myself to myself
I’ll never be lonely when I am alone and I
Keep myself to myself
I live in a little world of my own and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself to myself

So yeah. That's that. And they have a Christmas album, which I didn't know, so.....that's on the must have list...along with the Phineas and Ferb Christmas album.
I'm special, huh.

Today I purchased massive amounts of fleece for Roo's birthday/Christmas present-project. Mario, Luigi, Toadstool, & Princess Peach dolls. I guess it's time to start drafting patterns!

This one's way more festive and uplifting! Plus the video is adorable!!!!

Lots of videos lately, huh. I think it's a good way to avoid actually writing things.
But seriously, The Boy Least Likely To is my musical soulmate!!

Speaking of wonderfulness......I NEED a pink dalek dress!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'd get married in a pink dalek dress if I had one and I had a boy who'd let me! (It'd go great with my tardis wedding ring!)


OHMYFREAKINGGOODNESS!!!!!!! It's a pair of Dalek cufflinks....but not just any old Dalek cufflinks....they are Davros cufflinks!@!!!!!JE!@@!##$#@!$!@~~~~!!!!!
God Bless Etsy!!!!! (my heart totally belongs to Davros)


Aggggghhhh!!! So upon further looking, the shop that sold the tardis ring from my March 30th post no longer exists!!!! And the rings left on the etsy are all ugh.

I am heartbroken. And dejected. And in misery.

I shall go now.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I heart The Wombats!!!!

Currently gathering pictures of Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toadstool for tomorrow's shopping expedition. Roo has spoken. Now costumes need to be made/procured. Fleece & patterns are on sale. What an exciting Labour Day!

Tardis blue is gone. Am being annoyed that I like my dark, dark red from avon better than the expensive one I got from Sephora. Sigh. Sephora's is just so much browner in real life than it looks in the bottle. Stupid Sephora anyway.

Listening to some Jet and skulking. And apparently not knowing how to spell skulking. Good on me. The skulking's just lame, whiny stuff. No need to go into it. I drive myself nuts/annoy myself to death!!!!! (basically)

J&K had a lovely cookout this afternoon/evening. Very nice. Except I didn't know that it was a cookout until sometime after church this morning....
Such is life. Other than the damn races it was an all-round lovely evening. We had a fire! Yay! It's been a while!!!! Hmmm. I think not since Mom's retirement party. And I can't even remember before that....4th of July maybe...
It was a perfect night for a fire. So cool and breezy. SOoooooo fall. Stupid weather. Why can't you just stay that way always!

I am seriously hardcore in love with The Wombats. They are totally and completely my new favouritest band! (don't worry The Boy Least Likely To, I totally still love you to death too)

Every song I've listened to thus far has been absolutely glorious!!! Love, love, Love!!!!!!

So yeah. That's basically it for today.
I've got some other stuff to recap sometime soon, but I'm totally going to crash now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


So cute.


Sam the Eagle as 9 is pretty funny. I love that the Swedish Chef is Matt Smith. That cracks me up. They're all pretty darn adorable. And hilarious. 2 of my favourite things from my youth...

Definitely ordered my shirt last night:

Tomorrow morning is the first play of the school year. Huzzah. Respectable Me. Adorable. Well, I think so. But then, I wrote it. Should be interesting, anyway.

That said, I'm going to bed. We're rehearsing early tomorrow morning before the show.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I hate giving things titles

So. I don't actually think yesterday was a very fair test of whether I can go a day without blogging Who/Starwars stuffs. Making rehearsal schedules does that to me. Destroys my brain, that is.

Even more than it already is.

Obviously. I didn't even remember to put a Dalek at the end of my post. Sigh.

I think today may be a boring post too.
I need my own computer again.
Also. I need to find a cd somewhere with I believe in a thing called love on it. Because I know I have one. And I need to listen to it. Oh The Darkness how I love thee!

Also, James McAvoy.
Here's today's excitement.



Also, this cracks me up and makes me so very happy............and there's the star wars. damn. oh well, I've been sitting on this one for a while, it was time.


I love ewoks!!!! They're just so freaking cute! And huggable. And I love it when they sing. I don't care if most of the universe doesn't. They make me happy. So happy I put said song on my light hanging cd.

So yeah. I am going to go see if I can manage to buy today's riptapparel tshirt.
It's brilliant!!!!!

But before I go I feel I must do this....

I love Wil Wheaton. I want to marry him. Yes. I know he's married. I suppose I'll settle for reading his blog......sigh.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whole lot of nothing

So I don't even know how many weeks behind I am in watching this season of The Guild. It might be 3....I suck. OOOOORRRR I just don't like to wait for the next week every week so I wait until I can watch it all at once....hmmmm. This could be an important psychological breakthrough.

Quick! Somebody study me!!!!!

Okay. Nope. Definitely only 2 episodes behind......

So I'm definitely supposed to be working on the rehearsal schedule right now. I hate doing schedules. They make my head hurt. Deciding what to do each day. Sigh. And I need to go to bed at 11:00. It's totally 10:30. I started at 10. Okay. I opened the file at 10. sigh.

And now for something completely different:

I just had a complete existential crisis in which I believed that there were only 30 days in August, so how could it be the 29th today (tuesday) when I know for a fact that Friday is the 2nd. AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!! Suffice to say, between the computer, that childhood rhyme about 30 days, my cell phone, and me actually pausing to take a breath and think, I have overcome this hugenormous crisis. I believe that Jon Anderson just saved my life (because Roundabout is totally playing right now).

Wow. Sorry. I was definitely going to post a picture of something when I started writing "and now....". So that's what I'm going to do now.

(several hours later)

Okay. Honesty time. I didn't have a picture in mind, so I definitely went back to working on the rehearsal schedule. And talking to my Luisa on facebook. And reading about this leadership overnight thing I want to take the kids to. And avoiding some correspondence I need to take care of. And discovering this:::::

which is a Gandalf statue going from person to person across the country getting his picture taken. So now I need to figure out where I can take his picture that is FREAKING BRILLIANT in hopes of getting him!!!!!

So yeah. It's 12:15. I'm going to write my damn work emails* and go to bed.
Good night.

*only damning them because they're not done

Monday, August 29, 2011

Can you imagine what sort of hijinx you could get up to with these puppies???? Agh! I need them!!! Find them for me here!!! Crazy kid not included.

So now I'm going to briefly discuss my love for Hamlet. I love Hamlet. I love all things to do with Hamlet. I love every version of Hamlet I've ever seen. (i'm sure there are some out there somewhere that i wouldn't love, however. even i'm not that naive)
Sometimes I wonder if I love Hamlet so much because we are rather a lot alike. We both wear a lot of black. We both mope around. We are both plagued by the whole action/inaction thing terribly.
Seriously. I can do all kinds of stuff and make all kinds of decisions when necessary. But if it is something big, something risk taking, possibly life affecting, I will think and think and stew and stew and wemble forever until it just passes me by. And look at the stuff it's gotten me into.
No. I haven't killed/helped destroy an entire kingdom. But I don't ever tell people what I feel. I'm too afraid of looking stupid or getting hurt. So I've been trying to figure out how to change this lately...I don't think it's going well. One day at a time, right? Plus, if i can relate to him so much, I should totally be awesome at directing Hamlet, right??!?!

Okay. Seriousness over for the day.

I've got a terrible headache. There was lots of loudness at rehearsal today (definitely not all ours). It's time to get back into being trained to shut out the noise!

To cure said headache, I am currently listening to 80's power ballads and thinking about what I shall do for art when I leave the computer. Probably something fiber-related. I think it's time for some knitting.

How epic are this girls finger tattoos??? Agh! I would totally do that....with permanent marker.

I would definitely want friends who also had them, though, so we could fight and stuff. And be awesome!

Today I painted my nails Tardis Blue to match the little tardis in the middle of my shirt.

That would be this shirt:


So the picture came from Amazon, but mine did not. Mine is WAAAAY cooler because it came from a Con. No. I'm not cool enough to have gone to this Con and purchased it for myself. But I am cool enough to have a very wonderful person in my life who would bring me one.

Okay. Now that you've heard my shirt's life story, let's get back to the point at hand. The nail polish.

Which is Tardis Blue.

That is named French Kiss.

Could someone please explain this to me????? I mean, I know that asking for it to actually be named Tardis Blue is a bit much, but French Kiss? Shouldn't it be some kind of pink with that kind of name? That's where my mind immediately goes. Just sayin'. Perhaps they should pay me to name their nail polish colours instead of the idiot that thinks Tardis Blue looks like a French Kiss.

So, little group of maybe a couple readers, anybody remember back when I could actually post a blog without mentioning Star Wars or Doctor Who at all? I think I do......I'm going to attempt it tomorrow! It shall be epic!


I want a book club!

And a job at a cupcake shop!

And Bakers Plays to stop being assholes and send me my freaking scripts.

Otherwise I'm going to give this guy their address and have him take care of the situation ~


It should be known that this dalek image came from a site that contains a Dalek Dictionary, so you can know exactly what they're saying about how and when they're going to exterminate you.

I guess I should make an addendum to my previous statement.

Tomorrow shall be free of Star Wars/Who EXCEPT for a gratuitous Dalek picture at the end of the post.
Because clearly I have replaced handsome men in cravats with psychotic robots hellbent on world domination and destruction.
I think it's a fair trade.

However, today's gratuitous dalek is actually taking the form of adorable. And also the form of a print I really want. She's got a Mario/Luigi one that I really want to get for Roo too!


And with that, Good Night.
Don't fear the reaper.
(hmmmm. wonder how that got on my 80's playlist. It should definitely be on the Classics playlist. must. fix.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

well, dalek.

Right now I kinda wish I was the dalek from yesterday's post. Sigh. It has been such a long, long, long last few weeks. I just want to sleep for days ~ which is obviously not going to happen. It's a good thing I'm having great luck with my current medicine. I can't imagine the last couple months otherwise. It is amazing to think about how I felt at the beginning of the year, then to when I was switching and thought I'd go mad in the spring, to now. I have come to realize I am capable of feeling things I'd never been able to, allowed myself to, pushed far far away, I don't know, but I love it. And hate it. I feel like I'm finally able to feel and for some things it might be too late. I think my heart may explode.

Particularly when there are things this adorable in the world:

That right! A talking Wicket!!!!! AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! And I thought my late 90's Wicket was grand. Sigh. The Chewie is cuter too. But I'll definitely stick with the Yoda I've already got. Plus, who doesn't want a 24 inch Chewbacca???? Seriously?!?!
(both via)

So, now that I've distracted you from my serious ramblings, let's talk about the time I did something really stupid. Okay, that happens a lot. But this is a big one....
When you're working in a theatre for the summer, you want to explore, right???

Well....sometimes this is not necessarily a good idea. Especially if you get so super excited about the discovery of a chain mail hood that you put it on. Without a fabric hood. Without thinking about the fact that your rather long hair is going to get completley and utterly stuck in it. Without thinking that it will hurt very much when you have to rip the last of it out of your hair. Luckily, I was not alone, so I had help escaping. Unluckily, said friend did not think before I put it on either. I'd like to say that the story ended so tragically that I had to chop my hair off. I did chop my hair off that summer. But not because of the chain mail incident.

Sometimes I think I should get the phrases "take risks" and "be not afraid" tattooed on the inside of my wrists. One on each. Because I constantly need to be reminded both of these things. I think it really might hurt to get tattoos there, though. There's also that no matter how old I am, my mother would kill me. They'd be small. And in an attractive font. Sometimes I think about writing it in permanent marker...I've never had a permanent marker around when I thought it, though.



I just found a tumblr dedicated entirely to Daleks. Best Thing in the history of Things. Swoon.

Additionally, I found an extraordinarily frightening printable Davros mask there. Considering it....could be useful at rehearsals.

I think I could totally be on board with this:


And just because I can:

Possibly the best combination ever.

With this definitely being a close second!!!!!:


Okay. Last one, I promise. But I just couldn't help myself!!!!!


I mean seriously! It's Elizabeth Freaking Dalek-Bennet!!! (feel free to insert your favourite Austen heroine in Lizzy's place)

Right. What a post. Sigh. I'm going to bed. NOW.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

In which there is actually, coincidentally, a lot of Space

Well, for once I do not feel bad about saying I'm going to blog something the next day and getting it done. This last week as been the craziest most insane week in recent history, luckily with way fewer anxiety attacks than the last few weeks before it.

I had auditions, an interview for the director's position, casting, baking, a party, baking, another party, a doctor's appointment, supernannying with poor littles that don't quite get back to schoolness, a sick mother, and coming to terms with the fact that there was no way I was going to even get started on Roo's birthday present before her birthday got here. Sigh.

See. Totally okay with it. I was way too crazed to make words make sense anyway.

So. Today is my dear darling Roo's 3rd birthday. I do not see how that is possible. And at the same time, so very many things have happened and changed since she was born. I'm pretty sure she's growing way too fast. I know her parents think so! Ahhhhhhgggg!!!!

So I'm pretty sure my life would be way epically more brilliant if I owned this moon pillow to sleep on.

And gee, it only costs $1,970. That's not so bad. Plus, the c
ompanion pillow totally glows in the dark. Who wouldn't???!?!?!?!?!?

And this ~


I would totally wear this, like, always! I cannot wait to see the final finished version. Agh. Best Thing Ever. There aren't really words to describe how epic I feel this corset is. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh dear. Sigh.

This is pretty brilliant. Other than the new John Lennon album. I know, I know, how can I not like that. The Beatles were my first love. So what. Doesn't mean I want to listen to John Lennon by himself. (yes I fully realize that this would totally piss a lot of people off, but I don't actually care.) I am fully self-actualized in terms of my feelings for the Beatles. I used to love Paul when I was young. Then I realized he was a hugenormous jerkface. I still love his voice. And his solo music, but geesh, Paul. I used to feel sorry for Ringo. Now I just love him. I didn't think about George a lot, then I discovered he's my absolute favourite and I could get lost in his works any day. I've never really had much thought for John either way, other than not caring about his solo career.

Right....that was a totally ridiculous tangent. Anyway, brilliance ahead:


Pretty much the best thing ever in that there is a kitty, a lightsaber, a jet pack, a free unicorn ride, aaaaaannnnnddddd
SEASONS 2 - 10 OF FIREFLY!!!!!! (yes, i am only a recent convert, but that doesn't stop it from being any less glorious sounding to me)

This one is adorable and hilarious. I think I need to get it for Chuckles for Christmas to go with his Batman boardbook.


So I definitely stayed up until 4:00am yesterday. Crazy kids and their crazy parties. Okay, not really. Definitely not a party for a kid. And not a crazy party in terms of crazy as it used to be defined for me. There was karaoke, the thought of which was equal parts agh! and flashbacks to moments when I was so beyond caring that we were karaoke-ing in front of tons of peoples. And while I had no desire to hold the microphone, we did plenty of singing. It was lovely. And hopefully a very memorable sendoff for Mr. Off to Film School.
That was first party, first baked goods. Cupcakes with Firefly, Star Wars, & LOTR quote flags and Martha's PBJ bars. Sigh. They are so heavenly.

I had every intention of doing Doctor Who quotes too, but my brain's been so stressed it couldn't remember Doctor Who, which is ridiculous. But then again, I also didn't realize that it was several hours past late when I was making them because of said brain, until waaaay later than I should have. Doesn't really matter though. I didn't have the ability to bake something fabulous looking/tasting, so I needed to decorate them epically. I think it worked.

Today was baking for Roo's pirate birthday party tomorrow afternoon. Mom did the cakes. I did the treat bag cookies. Skull & crossbones and hooks. All iced and brilliant looking. Waiting to be bagged in the morning. Huzzah. Must take pictures.

So anyway, back to that stuff I was going to post about last Sunday:

1. I sewed up a tiny felt Captain Malcolm Reynolds and delivered him to his new owner this month. Crafting success. Cut and preliminary-glued him on vacation. Sewed him up, which happened to squash an anxiety attack. haH-AAAA. Pretty sure Jonathan liked him. Still need to make his brown coat. And figure out who's next.

2. Epic Dalekness:


Embrace the defeat of the Dalek!
Things Daleks can't handle: Stairs, alcohol. (and so I don't get in trouble, let me clarify on the stair thing ~ oldschool daleks, pre-Rose daleks, classic daleks ~ whichever you prefer to refer to them as.)

Well, this definitely got longer than I expected. But, in the immortal words of Doris Day, "Que sera, sera", right?

And now, since I watched The Princess Bride tonight while icing cookies (thus avoiding any steven moffatt yelling), I shall go to sleep thinking squishy happy thoughts. Especially since my brain's been thinking all kinds of silly, ridiculous, nevergoingtohappen type things anyway. Sigh.

P.S. Definitely busted out White Christmas today. Not bad. It's all but September, after all.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

ooooooh. pretty pictures

School's started. Time to get serious. Life will need to be coped with via inane blogging....

Woohoo! I just kicked 10 pounds of ground beef's ass! Okay, technically i mushed it and cooked it and/or froze it, but still. Cocktail meatballs baked and frozen. Hamburgers formed and frozen. Pasta meatballs baked and cooling. Oh right, and a pack of chicken thighs, baked and ready for lunch or something. I rock!
Too bad tomorrow appears to be dedicated to more chicken and a pork loin judging by the thawed contents of the refrigerator. Sigh. I wanted to bake. Ah, well. Perhaps I will be super successful and motivated and bake too!!!!! Wilton has a new doughnut pan and I still haven't managed to use the ones I have. Terrible friend. And I think I owe someone a carrot cake. And we haven't made chewy chocolate g.o.b.'s....I'm just going to consider summer not over until students are back at Gibson in hopes of getting them made before that. We CANNOT go all summer without making them. They Are Tradition!

I totally and completely found the bestest things ever on one of my blogs yesterday.....


Agh! I know, right?!!?!?!?! And they're all there!!!!!!! Oh I can see soooooo much fun and adventureness coming from this discovery!!!!!! They can all go to the movie with me when it comes out! And, someday, he may do minor characters like Oscar and Egg and etc!!!! SO BRiLLIANT!

Okay. So in some circles, this may be considered even better!!! However, I refuse to judge and therefore conclude that they are both brilliant but cannot be compared as they do not fall in the same category of stuffness. Yes. That is my story......

There was another version, but it was not as good, so I'm not going to show you. But if you go to the site, there's a link to it.
Seriously though, I want to go to that luau!

Other things....

1. Currently reembracing my great love of Led Zeppelin. Not that I ever stopped loving them, but I listened to them waaaaay too much for a time and needed a little break from regular listening.
Oh, but I love them. Sigh. Robert Plant. Sigh. Glorious musicness. Sigh. Songs of Tolkienness. Quadruple sigh.

2. Have been reading a new lovely series as suggested by Felicia Day on her blog.
This would infact be the Raine Benares series by Lisa Shearin. I'm currently on book three. There are five currently. I will cry when I am done. I hate waiting for new books to come out.
Thanks to the tragedy that Borders is going out of business, combined with this closing announced right after my birthday meaning I had money begging to be spent on books, combined with my impatience and terror that they might not have them all by the time they ACTUALLY put their books on Closing Sale Prices.....well, I saved some money anyway. They ARE regular price on Amazon.
More proof that, as previously mentioned, I am a book whore. Told you.
(we won't get in to the fact that i bought other things too...)

3. I totally and completely watched Doctor Who last weekend and didn't scream at the television or get pissed off and storm out of the room once! I didn't even curse Steven Moffatt outloud once!!!!
Which is AWESOME because I really do love Matt Smith and his Doctor...not as much as 10, but that's just never going to happen again so we'll leave it at that. But anyway, he's awful darn adorable. It makes me sad when I watch an episode and want to stab something. And then I feel bad for poor Mr. Smith. Perhaps he doesn't feel this way, though.
Anyway, I discussed it with my dear friend Joy and she decided it was in fact NOT because my brain was completely fried from intense stress and planning and that it was in fact an actual WHo-ish episode. Huzzah!!!!! Even under extreme duress my brain knows a good Doctor story when it sees it!!!!!!

4. Right. and now onto brain-friedness. I definitely (with a huge amount of help from many of my most love-ed ones!) threw a surprise retirement party for Mom on Sunday evening. And for the second time in my life managed to surprise the crap out of her with a party!!!!! I rock! I really do!!! Especially since I was making sweets for said party in front of her. Literally.
Anyway, it was wonderful! My brother and sisterinlaw did a superb job of diverting her and getting her there. Doodle never figured out we were talking secrets and said anything in front of mom to give us away. Tons and tons of people showed up. All food and drink were consumed. People stayed to clean far the happiest loveiest strike ever. It was an allround success!!!!

5. Doodle and I took our first solo trip of distance today! We met Karisa at the Gibson library for a Samantha tea party! Super fun!!! Too bad I didn't take my Samantha doll. I would have been the only one there with one other than the display table.
It makes me very sad...I'm not sure I saw one girl there with a history doll. They all had those stupid lookslikeme dolls. Ugh. And one bitty baby. Everyone loves a bitty baby. They're just so darn cute.
But anyway. They've retired her, so she's all old and collectible. And definitely the thought didn't even cross my mind until we were sitting in the car waiting for K seeing girls walk in with their dolls.
Probably I would have taken Felicity. Kirsten's hair isn't all done up these days. Poor Roo just can't wait until the day she picks one of them up and doesn't get in trouble or at least told to put her back down. Also, when that day comes, Mimz will have gotten her her own doll and they won't be quite so exciting...maybe.
Then we will have some really rocking tea parties.
Also, Luigi definitely went with us. Mario, Princess Peach and Toady stayed home with Pop. True story. (best imaginary friends EEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR!!!!)((also best family halloween costumes ever....anything to see my brother in green overalls. and converting the mockturtle shell into koopa's for k. sigh. halloween could be VERY interesting)

hmm. that was all possibly boring. I shall find a lovely picture. Oh, nevermind. I know just the thing. No looking necessary........

I think this image would look very lovely on walls and tshirts and pretty much everywhere else inbetween. swoooon. magneto wearing a magneto shirt. Oh Mr. Rochester how I love thee.
Also, how I wish you had hand delivered your movie to me on Tuesday when it came out. Sigh. Yeah, I still don't have it. I got distracted buying books and did not preorder Jane Eyre on the Amazon. Sadness.

Okay. No more pouting. Tomorrow I shall return with talk of my first completed Firefly Tinydoll. Probably not pictures, though, because I forgot to take one and haven't gone to see him to take one yet.
Also, a new dalek picture. Maybe I will no longer do cravats and do daleks instead for a while......

Yeah, I'll think on that one.

Friday, July 29, 2011

poor choices

sometimes i make poor choices.

i just spent the entire night catching up on backepisodes of The Guild.

i was definitely supposed to be sewing the crew of Firefly.

and then, because my mind has been sucked by the computer screen, i looked at the teefury shirt of the day and didn't get what it was from. and then i felt like a complete freaking moron because it was from chuck. it says intersect right on it for crying out loud. geesh. and there's a clever pun on flashing. sigh

probably that's a sign i should go to bed. or at least leave the computer.

also. mark hamill is totally going to be a bad guy on chuck this season. YAY EPIC! chuck gets the best peoples. james bond/evil timelord. scott bakula=amazingness. clark griswold. sarah connor. i mean honestly, how can they even think about cancelling chuck...
nope. totally going to stop before i go off on a complete tirade.....

bed. now.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

all kinds of stuffs

So I managed to survive a complete viewing of Deathly Hallows 1.2....i cried. A LOT. but not loud enough for my dear brother to hit me. However, we both decided that putting Karisa in between us would probably be for the best. I'm nothing if not predictable at the movie theatre. I WILL cry. At almost every movie, ever.
Let's see....hmmmmm.....well, i MIGHT not have cried at Fast 5. I DEFINITELY didn't cry during Tomb Raider....i don't think. That was a while ago. Probably not at the Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes.......nope. that's about it. Muppets from Space. Super 8....just a couple of examples of movies people usually don't cry at. I'm just a basket-case. That's all. SIgh

Currently listening to lots of America as Dan Peek, one of the founding members just died. I am very sad. Oh how I love folk rock. It makes my soul ever so happy!

So yeah, just some random thoughts today.
I found a cravat at under the stage today while I was cleaning! That was exciting!

I think I have convinced myself to give Doctor Who with Matt Smith another chance. I will try really really hard to disconnect. Then I won't get frustrated and pissed off and start shouting about Stephen Moffat. I found a Stephen Moffat voodoo doll on Etsy. It was brilliant. It suggested you could stab it while watching the Doctor when things get so outofhandridiculousstupidsooooonotactuallyreallydoctorwhoinanysenseoftheword that you want to die! or scream really really loudly and shout profanities. Which kindof happens a lot to me these days. Which is why I stopped watching. Next time it loops around again on the pbs, though, i'll try again. for real. sigh. Poor Matt Smith. I really do like him as the Doctor. It's just everything else....argh! must stop thinking about it before my brain explodes!!!!!

Firefly is the best. I need to go get Serenity borrowed so I can watch it, but I think unconciously I haven't done it because I don't want it to all be over. siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Somday I hope I make it to Comicon. I think if one were to marry the right person at the right time, it would be an excellent honeymoon destination.

I found a red leather jacket at Dress Barn that made me want to cosplay Martha Jones.

I also found my bridesmaids dress for Megs' wedding in September. 1st dress I tried on! A-MAZING!!!! also, jeans that fit and were long "enough" for only $9! agh! brilliant!!!!

Borders is closing and I haven't been there yet. My birthday money is burning a hole in my Phineas and Ferb box waiting to find out if it will be spent there or on Amazon. Books. I am such a bookslut. Geesh.

Felicia Day is my new role model. I want to be like here when I grow up.

You know, really, Nathan Fillion wears enough scarves on Castle that there should surely be a picture out there somewhere of him wearing a cravat.
nope. nothing. scarves, yes. naked, yes. all kinds of geekdom, yes. cravat, no. sigh

Friday, July 22, 2011

my day

Today i made Choux pastry.

and finished watching firefly.

then i had an anxiety attack and went to bed for several hours.

now it is almost 11 and probably i am awake.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

i am currently obsessed with....

that's pretty much all there is to it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In which I ramble.

Today we celebrated my birthday, only a week late, not bad for us! That's what happens when your birthday always falls the week of a show. It makes me happy, though, because I always get to spend my birthday doing what I love, with people I love. So that's good.

Karisa made a Harry Potter themed dinner because she knew how much I wanted to have a big huge Potter themed birthday party, but since I'm a little busy, it never happens. That's okay. I'd be content with hanging lanterns from the tree when we eat outside this fall. Jonathan grilled dragon and it was brilliant! (probably actually chicken...) Pretty much they're the bestest!!!! (jonathan and karisa, not dragon/chicken foods)

They got me Gnomeo and Juliet! We spent the evening all together watching it! Yay fun! I loved it! (of course!!) Unfortunately, now I really really want to go see the real thing at the Shakespeare Festival. However, I'm not going to. Expensive. Hot. Would have to find someone to go with me. (although that last one might not be a huge problem...I can think of lots of people I'd like to go with...not sure how many of them would choose Romeo and Juliet to spend $30 odd dollars on, though, of all Shakespeare's glorious plays). The next time they do Hamlet I may just die if I don't go to see it. Someday. Someday maybe. Maybe if I'm really lucky...and feeling REALLY confident in my directorial skills. Maybe I'll be brave and lucky enough to actually direct it myself. Since it is my alltimefavouritestthing.
Anyway. Once again I transgress....surprise surprise.

Not feeling near as positive today as I was yesterday...not really surprising either. I had to crash was weird how much extra energy I had, pent up inside me, at the end of the show...Sure I crashed physically really early Monday morning...but I don't think my brain caught up until today. Curiouser and Curiouser.

Oh well. Borders is closing FOREVER. This makes me most upset. Also that no one cared enough to make sure I got my free birthday drink before it expired. (besides me...but I don't count, so...)

The board accepted Mom's resignation tonight (I assume). So now I will be spending the next month a complete and total wreck. They don't meet again until the 17th. The day before school starts. So. I have lots and tons of getting ready to do. And then, after doing all the work, I will find out if they decide to hire me....thinking about it makes me nauseous.

Anyway. It's off to bed. To sleep, perchance not to dream. because my dreams have a terrible way of seeping into my regular thoughts and being a huge distraction.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

brought to you by sense and sensibility

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiit!!! there were no cravats in the last post.
i must fix that!!!!!

oooh look. it's willoughby. that scoundrel!

let us counter attack with:

ah. that's better. Colonel Brandon. Swoon.

and of course, we cannot have a complete Sense and Sensibility post without

Edward Ferrars ~ The NICEST MAN EVER.....always doing the right thing, even when it makes him miserable.

And would be tragic not to mention Hugh Laurie in his extraordinary performance as poor Mr. Palmer.....what suffering that man goes through...

plus he's hilarious. and adorable. and i looooove him!