Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I hate giving things titles

So. I don't actually think yesterday was a very fair test of whether I can go a day without blogging Who/Starwars stuffs. Making rehearsal schedules does that to me. Destroys my brain, that is.

Even more than it already is.

Obviously. I didn't even remember to put a Dalek at the end of my post. Sigh.

I think today may be a boring post too.
I need my own computer again.
Also. I need to find a cd somewhere with I believe in a thing called love on it. Because I know I have one. And I need to listen to it. Oh The Darkness how I love thee!

Also, James McAvoy.
Here's today's excitement.



Also, this cracks me up and makes me so very happy............and there's the star wars. damn. oh well, I've been sitting on this one for a while, it was time.


I love ewoks!!!! They're just so freaking cute! And huggable. And I love it when they sing. I don't care if most of the universe doesn't. They make me happy. So happy I put said song on my light hanging cd.

So yeah. I am going to go see if I can manage to buy today's riptapparel tshirt.
It's brilliant!!!!!

But before I go I feel I must do this....

I love Wil Wheaton. I want to marry him. Yes. I know he's married. I suppose I'll settle for reading his blog......sigh.

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