Saturday, August 20, 2011

ooooooh. pretty pictures

School's started. Time to get serious. Life will need to be coped with via inane blogging....

Woohoo! I just kicked 10 pounds of ground beef's ass! Okay, technically i mushed it and cooked it and/or froze it, but still. Cocktail meatballs baked and frozen. Hamburgers formed and frozen. Pasta meatballs baked and cooling. Oh right, and a pack of chicken thighs, baked and ready for lunch or something. I rock!
Too bad tomorrow appears to be dedicated to more chicken and a pork loin judging by the thawed contents of the refrigerator. Sigh. I wanted to bake. Ah, well. Perhaps I will be super successful and motivated and bake too!!!!! Wilton has a new doughnut pan and I still haven't managed to use the ones I have. Terrible friend. And I think I owe someone a carrot cake. And we haven't made chewy chocolate g.o.b.'s....I'm just going to consider summer not over until students are back at Gibson in hopes of getting them made before that. We CANNOT go all summer without making them. They Are Tradition!

I totally and completely found the bestest things ever on one of my blogs yesterday.....


Agh! I know, right?!!?!?!?! And they're all there!!!!!!! Oh I can see soooooo much fun and adventureness coming from this discovery!!!!!! They can all go to the movie with me when it comes out! And, someday, he may do minor characters like Oscar and Egg and etc!!!! SO BRiLLIANT!

Okay. So in some circles, this may be considered even better!!! However, I refuse to judge and therefore conclude that they are both brilliant but cannot be compared as they do not fall in the same category of stuffness. Yes. That is my story......

There was another version, but it was not as good, so I'm not going to show you. But if you go to the site, there's a link to it.
Seriously though, I want to go to that luau!

Other things....

1. Currently reembracing my great love of Led Zeppelin. Not that I ever stopped loving them, but I listened to them waaaaay too much for a time and needed a little break from regular listening.
Oh, but I love them. Sigh. Robert Plant. Sigh. Glorious musicness. Sigh. Songs of Tolkienness. Quadruple sigh.

2. Have been reading a new lovely series as suggested by Felicia Day on her blog.
This would infact be the Raine Benares series by Lisa Shearin. I'm currently on book three. There are five currently. I will cry when I am done. I hate waiting for new books to come out.
Thanks to the tragedy that Borders is going out of business, combined with this closing announced right after my birthday meaning I had money begging to be spent on books, combined with my impatience and terror that they might not have them all by the time they ACTUALLY put their books on Closing Sale Prices.....well, I saved some money anyway. They ARE regular price on Amazon.
More proof that, as previously mentioned, I am a book whore. Told you.
(we won't get in to the fact that i bought other things too...)

3. I totally and completely watched Doctor Who last weekend and didn't scream at the television or get pissed off and storm out of the room once! I didn't even curse Steven Moffatt outloud once!!!!
Which is AWESOME because I really do love Matt Smith and his Doctor...not as much as 10, but that's just never going to happen again so we'll leave it at that. But anyway, he's awful darn adorable. It makes me sad when I watch an episode and want to stab something. And then I feel bad for poor Mr. Smith. Perhaps he doesn't feel this way, though.
Anyway, I discussed it with my dear friend Joy and she decided it was in fact NOT because my brain was completely fried from intense stress and planning and that it was in fact an actual WHo-ish episode. Huzzah!!!!! Even under extreme duress my brain knows a good Doctor story when it sees it!!!!!!

4. Right. and now onto brain-friedness. I definitely (with a huge amount of help from many of my most love-ed ones!) threw a surprise retirement party for Mom on Sunday evening. And for the second time in my life managed to surprise the crap out of her with a party!!!!! I rock! I really do!!! Especially since I was making sweets for said party in front of her. Literally.
Anyway, it was wonderful! My brother and sisterinlaw did a superb job of diverting her and getting her there. Doodle never figured out we were talking secrets and said anything in front of mom to give us away. Tons and tons of people showed up. All food and drink were consumed. People stayed to clean far the happiest loveiest strike ever. It was an allround success!!!!

5. Doodle and I took our first solo trip of distance today! We met Karisa at the Gibson library for a Samantha tea party! Super fun!!! Too bad I didn't take my Samantha doll. I would have been the only one there with one other than the display table.
It makes me very sad...I'm not sure I saw one girl there with a history doll. They all had those stupid lookslikeme dolls. Ugh. And one bitty baby. Everyone loves a bitty baby. They're just so darn cute.
But anyway. They've retired her, so she's all old and collectible. And definitely the thought didn't even cross my mind until we were sitting in the car waiting for K seeing girls walk in with their dolls.
Probably I would have taken Felicity. Kirsten's hair isn't all done up these days. Poor Roo just can't wait until the day she picks one of them up and doesn't get in trouble or at least told to put her back down. Also, when that day comes, Mimz will have gotten her her own doll and they won't be quite so exciting...maybe.
Then we will have some really rocking tea parties.
Also, Luigi definitely went with us. Mario, Princess Peach and Toady stayed home with Pop. True story. (best imaginary friends EEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR!!!!)((also best family halloween costumes ever....anything to see my brother in green overalls. and converting the mockturtle shell into koopa's for k. sigh. halloween could be VERY interesting)

hmm. that was all possibly boring. I shall find a lovely picture. Oh, nevermind. I know just the thing. No looking necessary........

I think this image would look very lovely on walls and tshirts and pretty much everywhere else inbetween. swoooon. magneto wearing a magneto shirt. Oh Mr. Rochester how I love thee.
Also, how I wish you had hand delivered your movie to me on Tuesday when it came out. Sigh. Yeah, I still don't have it. I got distracted buying books and did not preorder Jane Eyre on the Amazon. Sadness.

Okay. No more pouting. Tomorrow I shall return with talk of my first completed Firefly Tinydoll. Probably not pictures, though, because I forgot to take one and haven't gone to see him to take one yet.
Also, a new dalek picture. Maybe I will no longer do cravats and do daleks instead for a while......

Yeah, I'll think on that one.

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