Monday, August 29, 2011

Can you imagine what sort of hijinx you could get up to with these puppies???? Agh! I need them!!! Find them for me here!!! Crazy kid not included.

So now I'm going to briefly discuss my love for Hamlet. I love Hamlet. I love all things to do with Hamlet. I love every version of Hamlet I've ever seen. (i'm sure there are some out there somewhere that i wouldn't love, however. even i'm not that naive)
Sometimes I wonder if I love Hamlet so much because we are rather a lot alike. We both wear a lot of black. We both mope around. We are both plagued by the whole action/inaction thing terribly.
Seriously. I can do all kinds of stuff and make all kinds of decisions when necessary. But if it is something big, something risk taking, possibly life affecting, I will think and think and stew and stew and wemble forever until it just passes me by. And look at the stuff it's gotten me into.
No. I haven't killed/helped destroy an entire kingdom. But I don't ever tell people what I feel. I'm too afraid of looking stupid or getting hurt. So I've been trying to figure out how to change this lately...I don't think it's going well. One day at a time, right? Plus, if i can relate to him so much, I should totally be awesome at directing Hamlet, right??!?!

Okay. Seriousness over for the day.

I've got a terrible headache. There was lots of loudness at rehearsal today (definitely not all ours). It's time to get back into being trained to shut out the noise!

To cure said headache, I am currently listening to 80's power ballads and thinking about what I shall do for art when I leave the computer. Probably something fiber-related. I think it's time for some knitting.

How epic are this girls finger tattoos??? Agh! I would totally do that....with permanent marker.

I would definitely want friends who also had them, though, so we could fight and stuff. And be awesome!

Today I painted my nails Tardis Blue to match the little tardis in the middle of my shirt.

That would be this shirt:


So the picture came from Amazon, but mine did not. Mine is WAAAAY cooler because it came from a Con. No. I'm not cool enough to have gone to this Con and purchased it for myself. But I am cool enough to have a very wonderful person in my life who would bring me one.

Okay. Now that you've heard my shirt's life story, let's get back to the point at hand. The nail polish.

Which is Tardis Blue.

That is named French Kiss.

Could someone please explain this to me????? I mean, I know that asking for it to actually be named Tardis Blue is a bit much, but French Kiss? Shouldn't it be some kind of pink with that kind of name? That's where my mind immediately goes. Just sayin'. Perhaps they should pay me to name their nail polish colours instead of the idiot that thinks Tardis Blue looks like a French Kiss.

So, little group of maybe a couple readers, anybody remember back when I could actually post a blog without mentioning Star Wars or Doctor Who at all? I think I do......I'm going to attempt it tomorrow! It shall be epic!


I want a book club!

And a job at a cupcake shop!

And Bakers Plays to stop being assholes and send me my freaking scripts.

Otherwise I'm going to give this guy their address and have him take care of the situation ~


It should be known that this dalek image came from a site that contains a Dalek Dictionary, so you can know exactly what they're saying about how and when they're going to exterminate you.

I guess I should make an addendum to my previous statement.

Tomorrow shall be free of Star Wars/Who EXCEPT for a gratuitous Dalek picture at the end of the post.
Because clearly I have replaced handsome men in cravats with psychotic robots hellbent on world domination and destruction.
I think it's a fair trade.

However, today's gratuitous dalek is actually taking the form of adorable. And also the form of a print I really want. She's got a Mario/Luigi one that I really want to get for Roo too!


And with that, Good Night.
Don't fear the reaper.
(hmmmm. wonder how that got on my 80's playlist. It should definitely be on the Classics playlist. must. fix.)

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