Wednesday, July 27, 2011

all kinds of stuffs

So I managed to survive a complete viewing of Deathly Hallows 1.2....i cried. A LOT. but not loud enough for my dear brother to hit me. However, we both decided that putting Karisa in between us would probably be for the best. I'm nothing if not predictable at the movie theatre. I WILL cry. At almost every movie, ever.
Let's see....hmmmmm.....well, i MIGHT not have cried at Fast 5. I DEFINITELY didn't cry during Tomb Raider....i don't think. That was a while ago. Probably not at the Mark Wahlberg Planet of the Apes.......nope. that's about it. Muppets from Space. Super 8....just a couple of examples of movies people usually don't cry at. I'm just a basket-case. That's all. SIgh

Currently listening to lots of America as Dan Peek, one of the founding members just died. I am very sad. Oh how I love folk rock. It makes my soul ever so happy!

So yeah, just some random thoughts today.
I found a cravat at under the stage today while I was cleaning! That was exciting!

I think I have convinced myself to give Doctor Who with Matt Smith another chance. I will try really really hard to disconnect. Then I won't get frustrated and pissed off and start shouting about Stephen Moffat. I found a Stephen Moffat voodoo doll on Etsy. It was brilliant. It suggested you could stab it while watching the Doctor when things get so outofhandridiculousstupidsooooonotactuallyreallydoctorwhoinanysenseoftheword that you want to die! or scream really really loudly and shout profanities. Which kindof happens a lot to me these days. Which is why I stopped watching. Next time it loops around again on the pbs, though, i'll try again. for real. sigh. Poor Matt Smith. I really do like him as the Doctor. It's just everything else....argh! must stop thinking about it before my brain explodes!!!!!

Firefly is the best. I need to go get Serenity borrowed so I can watch it, but I think unconciously I haven't done it because I don't want it to all be over. siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Somday I hope I make it to Comicon. I think if one were to marry the right person at the right time, it would be an excellent honeymoon destination.

I found a red leather jacket at Dress Barn that made me want to cosplay Martha Jones.

I also found my bridesmaids dress for Megs' wedding in September. 1st dress I tried on! A-MAZING!!!! also, jeans that fit and were long "enough" for only $9! agh! brilliant!!!!

Borders is closing and I haven't been there yet. My birthday money is burning a hole in my Phineas and Ferb box waiting to find out if it will be spent there or on Amazon. Books. I am such a bookslut. Geesh.

Felicia Day is my new role model. I want to be like here when I grow up.

You know, really, Nathan Fillion wears enough scarves on Castle that there should surely be a picture out there somewhere of him wearing a cravat.
nope. nothing. scarves, yes. naked, yes. all kinds of geekdom, yes. cravat, no. sigh

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