Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Whole lot of nothing

So I don't even know how many weeks behind I am in watching this season of The Guild. It might be 3....I suck. OOOOORRRR I just don't like to wait for the next week every week so I wait until I can watch it all at once....hmmmm. This could be an important psychological breakthrough.

Quick! Somebody study me!!!!!

Okay. Nope. Definitely only 2 episodes behind......

So I'm definitely supposed to be working on the rehearsal schedule right now. I hate doing schedules. They make my head hurt. Deciding what to do each day. Sigh. And I need to go to bed at 11:00. It's totally 10:30. I started at 10. Okay. I opened the file at 10. sigh.

And now for something completely different:

I just had a complete existential crisis in which I believed that there were only 30 days in August, so how could it be the 29th today (tuesday) when I know for a fact that Friday is the 2nd. AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!! Suffice to say, between the computer, that childhood rhyme about 30 days, my cell phone, and me actually pausing to take a breath and think, I have overcome this hugenormous crisis. I believe that Jon Anderson just saved my life (because Roundabout is totally playing right now).

Wow. Sorry. I was definitely going to post a picture of something when I started writing "and now....". So that's what I'm going to do now.

(several hours later)

Okay. Honesty time. I didn't have a picture in mind, so I definitely went back to working on the rehearsal schedule. And talking to my Luisa on facebook. And reading about this leadership overnight thing I want to take the kids to. And avoiding some correspondence I need to take care of. And discovering this:::::


which is a Gandalf statue going from person to person across the country getting his picture taken. So now I need to figure out where I can take his picture that is FREAKING BRILLIANT in hopes of getting him!!!!!

So yeah. It's 12:15. I'm going to write my damn work emails* and go to bed.
Good night.

*only damning them because they're not done

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