Sunday, August 28, 2011

well, dalek.

Right now I kinda wish I was the dalek from yesterday's post. Sigh. It has been such a long, long, long last few weeks. I just want to sleep for days ~ which is obviously not going to happen. It's a good thing I'm having great luck with my current medicine. I can't imagine the last couple months otherwise. It is amazing to think about how I felt at the beginning of the year, then to when I was switching and thought I'd go mad in the spring, to now. I have come to realize I am capable of feeling things I'd never been able to, allowed myself to, pushed far far away, I don't know, but I love it. And hate it. I feel like I'm finally able to feel and for some things it might be too late. I think my heart may explode.

Particularly when there are things this adorable in the world:

That right! A talking Wicket!!!!! AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! And I thought my late 90's Wicket was grand. Sigh. The Chewie is cuter too. But I'll definitely stick with the Yoda I've already got. Plus, who doesn't want a 24 inch Chewbacca???? Seriously?!?!
(both via)

So, now that I've distracted you from my serious ramblings, let's talk about the time I did something really stupid. Okay, that happens a lot. But this is a big one....
When you're working in a theatre for the summer, you want to explore, right???

Well....sometimes this is not necessarily a good idea. Especially if you get so super excited about the discovery of a chain mail hood that you put it on. Without a fabric hood. Without thinking about the fact that your rather long hair is going to get completley and utterly stuck in it. Without thinking that it will hurt very much when you have to rip the last of it out of your hair. Luckily, I was not alone, so I had help escaping. Unluckily, said friend did not think before I put it on either. I'd like to say that the story ended so tragically that I had to chop my hair off. I did chop my hair off that summer. But not because of the chain mail incident.

Sometimes I think I should get the phrases "take risks" and "be not afraid" tattooed on the inside of my wrists. One on each. Because I constantly need to be reminded both of these things. I think it really might hurt to get tattoos there, though. There's also that no matter how old I am, my mother would kill me. They'd be small. And in an attractive font. Sometimes I think about writing it in permanent marker...I've never had a permanent marker around when I thought it, though.



I just found a tumblr dedicated entirely to Daleks. Best Thing in the history of Things. Swoon.

Additionally, I found an extraordinarily frightening printable Davros mask there. Considering it....could be useful at rehearsals.

I think I could totally be on board with this:


And just because I can:

Possibly the best combination ever.

With this definitely being a close second!!!!!:


Okay. Last one, I promise. But I just couldn't help myself!!!!!


I mean seriously! It's Elizabeth Freaking Dalek-Bennet!!! (feel free to insert your favourite Austen heroine in Lizzy's place)

Right. What a post. Sigh. I'm going to bed. NOW.

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