Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm a balloon on a broken string


I totally just found a script for The Neverending Story!!!!!! Also, The Giver. 2 of the best stories ever!!!! Thinking of my great love for The Giver from a young age makes me realize that I've been a huge fan of dystopian fiction for a very long time. Hmmm. Interesting.
Oh The Hunger Games how I love thee!!!!!

Sometimes I don't feel like laughing. This definitely has the power to change that:

Kind of freaking hilarious! And wonderful!!

So, I'm pretty sure that The Boy Least Likely To raids my thoughts and emotions while I sleep so that they can write glorious songs. Seriously.
The lyrics to I Keep Myself To Myself are completely me, in a nutshell. A companion song to my other song, Be Gentle With Me.

I keep myself to myself
And no one else
Knows how it feels to be me and I’m
All by myself
I got a tick and a twitch
For everything
The world is made up of boxes that
I don’t fit in
Sometimes when I look up at the stars I
Feels so alone because I know
That no one can ever
See the world the same way that I do
I am afraid of falling in love so I
Keep myself to myself
I want a cookie and I need a hug but I
Keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
And when I’m sad
I comfort myself with thinking that
No one understands
Sometimes I dig through the shells at a low tide
I wonder if anything fragile
Could ever survive in this world without getting broken
I am afraid of things that can hurt so I
Keep myself to myself
I feel completely alone in the world and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
And so wherever I go I wear
My heart uncomfortably on my sleeve
I put my elbows up over my ears and I
Keep myself to myself
I close my eyes and the world disappears and I
Keep myself to myself
I’ll never be lonely when I am alone and I
Keep myself to myself
I live in a little world of my own and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself to myself

So yeah. That's that. And they have a Christmas album, which I didn't know, so.....that's on the must have list...along with the Phineas and Ferb Christmas album.
I'm special, huh.

Today I purchased massive amounts of fleece for Roo's birthday/Christmas present-project. Mario, Luigi, Toadstool, & Princess Peach dolls. I guess it's time to start drafting patterns!

This one's way more festive and uplifting! Plus the video is adorable!!!!

Lots of videos lately, huh. I think it's a good way to avoid actually writing things.
But seriously, The Boy Least Likely To is my musical soulmate!!

Speaking of wonderfulness......I NEED a pink dalek dress!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'd get married in a pink dalek dress if I had one and I had a boy who'd let me! (It'd go great with my tardis wedding ring!)


OHMYFREAKINGGOODNESS!!!!!!! It's a pair of Dalek cufflinks....but not just any old Dalek cufflinks....they are Davros cufflinks!@!!!!!JE!@@!##$#@!$!@~~~~!!!!!
God Bless Etsy!!!!! (my heart totally belongs to Davros)


Aggggghhhh!!! So upon further looking, the shop that sold the tardis ring from my March 30th post no longer exists!!!! And the rings left on the etsy are all ugh.

I am heartbroken. And dejected. And in misery.

I shall go now.

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