Saturday, August 27, 2011

In which there is actually, coincidentally, a lot of Space

Well, for once I do not feel bad about saying I'm going to blog something the next day and getting it done. This last week as been the craziest most insane week in recent history, luckily with way fewer anxiety attacks than the last few weeks before it.

I had auditions, an interview for the director's position, casting, baking, a party, baking, another party, a doctor's appointment, supernannying with poor littles that don't quite get back to schoolness, a sick mother, and coming to terms with the fact that there was no way I was going to even get started on Roo's birthday present before her birthday got here. Sigh.

See. Totally okay with it. I was way too crazed to make words make sense anyway.

So. Today is my dear darling Roo's 3rd birthday. I do not see how that is possible. And at the same time, so very many things have happened and changed since she was born. I'm pretty sure she's growing way too fast. I know her parents think so! Ahhhhhhgggg!!!!

So I'm pretty sure my life would be way epically more brilliant if I owned this moon pillow to sleep on.

And gee, it only costs $1,970. That's not so bad. Plus, the c
ompanion pillow totally glows in the dark. Who wouldn't???!?!?!?!?!?

And this ~


I would totally wear this, like, always! I cannot wait to see the final finished version. Agh. Best Thing Ever. There aren't really words to describe how epic I feel this corset is. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh dear. Sigh.

This is pretty brilliant. Other than the new John Lennon album. I know, I know, how can I not like that. The Beatles were my first love. So what. Doesn't mean I want to listen to John Lennon by himself. (yes I fully realize that this would totally piss a lot of people off, but I don't actually care.) I am fully self-actualized in terms of my feelings for the Beatles. I used to love Paul when I was young. Then I realized he was a hugenormous jerkface. I still love his voice. And his solo music, but geesh, Paul. I used to feel sorry for Ringo. Now I just love him. I didn't think about George a lot, then I discovered he's my absolute favourite and I could get lost in his works any day. I've never really had much thought for John either way, other than not caring about his solo career.

Right....that was a totally ridiculous tangent. Anyway, brilliance ahead:


Pretty much the best thing ever in that there is a kitty, a lightsaber, a jet pack, a free unicorn ride, aaaaaannnnnddddd
SEASONS 2 - 10 OF FIREFLY!!!!!! (yes, i am only a recent convert, but that doesn't stop it from being any less glorious sounding to me)

This one is adorable and hilarious. I think I need to get it for Chuckles for Christmas to go with his Batman boardbook.


So I definitely stayed up until 4:00am yesterday. Crazy kids and their crazy parties. Okay, not really. Definitely not a party for a kid. And not a crazy party in terms of crazy as it used to be defined for me. There was karaoke, the thought of which was equal parts agh! and flashbacks to moments when I was so beyond caring that we were karaoke-ing in front of tons of peoples. And while I had no desire to hold the microphone, we did plenty of singing. It was lovely. And hopefully a very memorable sendoff for Mr. Off to Film School.
That was first party, first baked goods. Cupcakes with Firefly, Star Wars, & LOTR quote flags and Martha's PBJ bars. Sigh. They are so heavenly.

I had every intention of doing Doctor Who quotes too, but my brain's been so stressed it couldn't remember Doctor Who, which is ridiculous. But then again, I also didn't realize that it was several hours past late when I was making them because of said brain, until waaaay later than I should have. Doesn't really matter though. I didn't have the ability to bake something fabulous looking/tasting, so I needed to decorate them epically. I think it worked.

Today was baking for Roo's pirate birthday party tomorrow afternoon. Mom did the cakes. I did the treat bag cookies. Skull & crossbones and hooks. All iced and brilliant looking. Waiting to be bagged in the morning. Huzzah. Must take pictures.

So anyway, back to that stuff I was going to post about last Sunday:

1. I sewed up a tiny felt Captain Malcolm Reynolds and delivered him to his new owner this month. Crafting success. Cut and preliminary-glued him on vacation. Sewed him up, which happened to squash an anxiety attack. haH-AAAA. Pretty sure Jonathan liked him. Still need to make his brown coat. And figure out who's next.

2. Epic Dalekness:


Embrace the defeat of the Dalek!
Things Daleks can't handle: Stairs, alcohol. (and so I don't get in trouble, let me clarify on the stair thing ~ oldschool daleks, pre-Rose daleks, classic daleks ~ whichever you prefer to refer to them as.)

Well, this definitely got longer than I expected. But, in the immortal words of Doris Day, "Que sera, sera", right?

And now, since I watched The Princess Bride tonight while icing cookies (thus avoiding any steven moffatt yelling), I shall go to sleep thinking squishy happy thoughts. Especially since my brain's been thinking all kinds of silly, ridiculous, nevergoingtohappen type things anyway. Sigh.

P.S. Definitely busted out White Christmas today. Not bad. It's all but September, after all.

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