Sunday, September 4, 2011

I heart The Wombats!!!!

Currently gathering pictures of Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toadstool for tomorrow's shopping expedition. Roo has spoken. Now costumes need to be made/procured. Fleece & patterns are on sale. What an exciting Labour Day!

Tardis blue is gone. Am being annoyed that I like my dark, dark red from avon better than the expensive one I got from Sephora. Sigh. Sephora's is just so much browner in real life than it looks in the bottle. Stupid Sephora anyway.

Listening to some Jet and skulking. And apparently not knowing how to spell skulking. Good on me. The skulking's just lame, whiny stuff. No need to go into it. I drive myself nuts/annoy myself to death!!!!! (basically)

J&K had a lovely cookout this afternoon/evening. Very nice. Except I didn't know that it was a cookout until sometime after church this morning....
Such is life. Other than the damn races it was an all-round lovely evening. We had a fire! Yay! It's been a while!!!! Hmmm. I think not since Mom's retirement party. And I can't even remember before that....4th of July maybe...
It was a perfect night for a fire. So cool and breezy. SOoooooo fall. Stupid weather. Why can't you just stay that way always!

I am seriously hardcore in love with The Wombats. They are totally and completely my new favouritest band! (don't worry The Boy Least Likely To, I totally still love you to death too)

Every song I've listened to thus far has been absolutely glorious!!! Love, love, Love!!!!!!

So yeah. That's basically it for today.
I've got some other stuff to recap sometime soon, but I'm totally going to crash now.

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