Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ramble on...

So....it is totally not Monday....which is kindof shocking to me. Sigh. Also, how on earth is it May? Clearly I've blown through almost half a year again without noticing.....

Spent the lovliest of days with the darlings yesterday...Big funeral for a most wonderful man, I remembered him by caring for the kids so Mom could do what she does best - feed flocks....well, one flock anyway....funeral dinner (not sure how she survived without my superior help, hahaha)

Was having a very good day, so stayed up late and made Stuffy Cookies for my dear brother....only about 2 years or so late....they were supposed to be a congrats for getting hired at carle treat....how long and how many promotions since he started?!?!!? He really enjoyed them, though, so that's happy. And they are kinda magical. Unfortunately it was late and I forgot to take pictures. But, there is apricot jam in the fridge, so I may have to make more soon! (but not until after I make donuts!!!!!!)

Dad and I watched UP while I baked.....I think that is simply one of the bestest movies ever. LOOOOOOOVE it!

In delightful surprise news: Aunt Deb sent a very pretty Hello Kitty watch home to me!

In embarrassing news: I found The Voice strangely intriguing tonight....not sure that it will continue to be so......the whole choosing them without seeing them thing was just compelling television for me apparently. Hmmm

Right. So. I need to get my crafty act together....I've got a GodDaughter turning 3 in a week and a half.....

p.s. so happy i realized that the first She & Him cd is on the computer (not sure what I've done with the disk and have really been needing to listen to it...)

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