Thursday, May 5, 2011

you know it's time to give up and go to bed when....

So I just realized my wrist hurts from mousing and my eyes are starting to cross....I think I've been at the computer for too long...Sigh.

In other words, Blog & Bed....

Some excellent discoveries for the day:

how cute is that???? Totally my new favourite (imaginary) beer! yes. i would wear this tshirt.

An Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant!!!!!! Check it out!!!!
If only it weren't in Japan......

I'm pretty sure I just found what I'm getting my brother for his birthday (but will not show you on the off chance that he figures out I have a blog)

my dearest friend has just informed me:
Jane Eyre IS FINALLY PLAYING HERE!!!!! Starting tomorrow! At the Art! (i've never been and i've always wanted to go!!!!!)

yes.....i AM excited!

There are 3 new X-men Trailers out today......if they do
n't stop producing epic trailers and crappy-ass posters I may just die before June gets here!


because i can......

and i've had a crap day.....

and because the world does not appreciate near enough, the wonderfulness of a man in a cravat....

(it is now several hours later, i swear, and my eyes will be falling out as soon as i hit publish)

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