Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Subbed today....senior's last day. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Poor little neglected blog. I missed my one weekly thing...maybe tomorrow. Have been crashing into my bed and passing out due to craziness the last several days. My computer is dead, so occasionally the nonlaptopofsarahland computer is busy when I decide I should post....totally not an excuse....and then I go to bed instead. Maybe I should try doing this earlier.....ha

Funeral dinner of taking ALLLLLL day Friday

Baking/Sewing Extravaganzaofextremeurgency all day Saturday

Sewing/Party/Delivery of Sewing Project & Monkey Cupcakes to said party/Goddaughter's 3rd birthday!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, Dear Girl! Love, love, love, Auntie Sarah!!!!!!!
(both camera batteries dead, no pictures....one cupcake sitting in the kitchen waiting to be photographed.....)

Major kidsitting/futile trip to Champaign/epicness of Chuck and Castle season finales Monday

Subbing today.

Due to some major fog clearing in my head, my brain has been extraordinarily intro/retrospective in it's thoughts......which basically sucks. One does not get to my position in life without having some regrettable times and/or actions.....okay, so everyone has those.....I just happen to have an extremely harsh view of myself that does not seem to make things pleasant in my head sometimes.

HOWEVER, I have found the





(at least for today.......we all know I am fickle and my whims and fancies can change at the drop of a hat)


I think that sufficiently makes up for several days of no cravats. Yes. Yes, I am very pleased with myself right now.

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