Friday, May 6, 2011

Things I Heart!


Yes, that is right. Mr. Magneto-Rochester tops the list....swoon.
Doesn't this picture have a Colin Firth/Fitzwilliam Darcy ring to it?!?!?!
Most intriguing.....

2. How awesome is this?!?!?! ~ Wearable Cat Ears that can Read your MInd

This concept is brilliant to me, as anyone who was around during my cat phase could easily understand....hello. I owned pants with a tail......Check out the article, though, seriously. It's intriguing...

3. Lemon-Blueberry Cupcakes from Annie's Eats ~ pretty much my favouritest food blog...LOVE using her recipes.....go. Check out her food. Check out her beautiful pictures. GOOOOOOO!!!!

4. I have ALWAYS loved this quote. I think it being on a bag, or any number of belongings, is a good idea as well.

Good old George Bernard....

4. Due to my recently developed hugenormous crush on Magneto, I think this is absolutely BRILLIANT! Plus ~ it's HILARIOUS!

All in all Mighty Fine is a most excellent shirt store....I could do some damage there..for myself and for others....many lovely X-Men things

5. Because it's late (always) I will stop at 5 this week....and I leave you with something near and dear to my heart....another man in cravat.....which I think will be a daily occurrence until such time as I run out of handsome men in cravats....

Sigh. Swoon. Do you even know how hard it was to find a picture where he wasn't disheveled and cravatless???? Not that that's REALLY a problem......

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