Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm not really sure what's going on here......(apologies in advance)

Well, I was going to watch a movie tonight. I couldn't decide between Transformers and Persuasion....I know, I know....but then I had to make banana bars for a funeral dinner, so it was late and I came to the internet and found 4 new X-Men clips!!!!! Huzzah!!!! And inevitably got so distracted that by the time the bars came out of the oven, I figured it was too late to watch a movie. Sigh. I really wanted to watch something that didn't involve preschool learning....OOOh. speaking of which...

Yesterday on Arthur, Muffy started a blog called The Muffington Post. hahaha. She spent all her time blogging and not doing anything else. Then she started to be mean, particularly to Francine. Then Francine took the school newspaper digital and used it as a vehicle for discussion of the Muffy/Francine bustup......At some point Muffy got her phone that she blogged on during class taken away from her.....I must not have seen the last of it...although, of course, everything turned out okay...Muffy and Francine are friends again and perhaps there will be blogging in moderation....sigh. Hilarious.....except, how old are they on Arthur????

Okay. Apparently Arthur is 8...and in 3rd grade. 3rd graders don't blog, do they???? (oh nevermind, they probably do....sigh)

Okay. Brilliant! The Little Prince has it's own website....and Store! You can do a whole baby's room in Little Prince!!!! HOW GLORIOUS!!!! I adore The Little Prince. A very dear aunt gave me my copy. Then I bought my brother a copy. My college bff adores it. My Aunt Nancy bought the popup version for Doodle recently. I've made a cubee Little Prince...and now there's a new version to make! Must...find...bone folder....

I so wish I spoke French, so I could read it properly. Sigh. Silly Spanish only school district....

Right. So. Last few days recap.
Sunday - mother's day. brunch. decorating for banquet. cookout dinner.
Monday - Thespian Awards Banquet....most successful. no chicken tetrazini - huzzah! always a great salad bar.
Tuesday - migraine out of nowhere. went to bed at 9:00.
Today - took the kidlets to the zoo and had a picnic lunch!!!! soooo tired. will load pics from mom's camera on computer tomorrow...then show some. will load mine as soon as my computer gets itself fixed.....siiiiigh. most of them are, of course, on my camera. mom's came because i wasn't sure how much battery i made it most of the day.
then - naps for all! (doodle told me i was "a her" while we were rocking...oh that girl!). viewing of a few houses with the family boo. dinner. movie confusion. baking....
and that brings us up to date. Sigh. Sorry...

Oh! and I made those cupcakes I discussed Friday in Things I Heart...the lemon blueberry ones from Annie's Eats! They were absolutely fantabutastictodiefor!!!!! the icing was perfection! you can totally use frozen blueberrys.....just don't leave them out while you go decorate for anything, because when you come back you will find that your lovely niece has consumed the extras and you can no longer make them pretty on top of cupcakes.....but they went to a good home!

GO MAKE THEM!!!!!!! (or tell me to make some for you!!!!!)

right. time to go pass out again.....

Okay, so......pretty sure it's waaaaaay past bedtime.

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