Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting better all the time....

So. I love the Beatles. They make me happy.

Today was good. The last bit of yesterday was good. My brain has evened out again. Dunno...going to the doctor on Monday. Will discuss random brain misery.

i just found my chapstick!!!!!! i thought i lost it yesterday in the yard of a house we were all checking out, while chasing Doodle around........Huzzah!!!!! My lips will not fall off after all!!!!! clearly i need to look much more diligently when i think i might have left it at the computer....sigh

Exciting news: 15 people have already rsvp'd to the summer show auditions page. That's good. I always get worried we won't have enough people in the summer

Baked a lovely cr
anberry coffee cake today....well, hopefully's a new recipe...and for church tomorrow

Iced lots of cupcakes too. Played with different tips. Chocolate and white icing. Since there's a whole bucket of icing to use up.

This makes me happy:

Lori Marie of Pretty Little Things is SOOOO Wonderful!!!! She has the best colours! And cutest of Dolls and Things! And I looooove her style....every blog post she does is gorgeous to me!!!! GO! Visit!!!!

Awww......look! It's Mr. Knightly.....I particularly enjoyed this version of Emma with Romula Garai and Johnny Lee Miller.....especially since I really didn't enjoy the Gwennie version....

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