Tuesday, May 24, 2011


just for the record:

i think cats that look like ron swanson is the best thing in the history of the universe!!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting better all the time....

So. I love the Beatles. They make me happy.

Today was good. The last bit of yesterday was good. My brain has evened out again. Dunno...going to the doctor on Monday. Will discuss random brain misery.

i just found my chapstick!!!!!! i thought i lost it yesterday in the yard of a house we were all checking out, while chasing Doodle around........Huzzah!!!!! My lips will not fall off after all!!!!! clearly i need to look much more diligently when i think i might have left it at the computer....sigh

Exciting news: 15 people have already rsvp'd to the summer show auditions page. That's good. I always get worried we won't have enough people in the summer

Baked a lovely cr
anberry coffee cake today....well, hopefully lovely....it's a new recipe...and for church tomorrow

Iced lots of cupcakes too. Played with different tips. Chocolate and white icing. Since there's a whole bucket of icing to use up.

This makes me happy:

Lori Marie of Pretty Little Things is SOOOO Wonderful!!!! She has the best colours! And cutest of Dolls and Things! And I looooove her style....every blog post she does is gorgeous to me!!!! GO! Visit!!!!

Awww......look! It's Mr. Knightly.....I particularly enjoyed this version of Emma with Romula Garai and Johnny Lee Miller.....especially since I really didn't enjoy the Gwennie version....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

wouldn't it be grand if James McAvoy was going to Middle Earth?

I won't discuss my day....it would only end badly. Let's face it, I'm not enjoying this week much.
I don't really have anything brilliant to say. There were 3 new X-Men spots today, but I haven't watched them yet for fear of.........
This makes me happy, though. Too bad I am completely worthless and cannot afford to randomly buy tshirts for $10. Either way, this is my most favouritest $10 tshirt from any of the $10 daily tshirt sites in a long time!!!!! Getting close up there to ever, even...

Simply brilliant! one ring to rule my heart.........

oooh look. James McAvoy. in a Cravat. from Becoming Jane. Not my favourite film EVER or anything, but it's nice. But let's face it, I wanted to see it just as much for James McAvoy as I did for it being about Jane.......sorry Jane! I looooove you!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Subbed today....senior's last day. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Poor little neglected blog. I missed my one weekly thing...maybe tomorrow. Have been crashing into my bed and passing out due to craziness the last several days. My computer is dead, so occasionally the nonlaptopofsarahland computer is busy when I decide I should post....totally not an excuse....and then I go to bed instead. Maybe I should try doing this earlier.....ha

Funeral dinner of taking ALLLLLL day Friday

Baking/Sewing Extravaganzaofextremeurgency all day Saturday

Sewing/Party/Delivery of Sewing Project & Monkey Cupcakes to said party/Goddaughter's 3rd birthday!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, Dear Girl! Love, love, love, Auntie Sarah!!!!!!!
(both camera batteries dead, no pictures....one cupcake sitting in the kitchen waiting to be photographed.....)

Major kidsitting/futile trip to Champaign/epicness of Chuck and Castle season finales Monday

Subbing today.

Due to some major fog clearing in my head, my brain has been extraordinarily intro/retrospective in it's thoughts......which basically sucks. One does not get to my position in life without having some regrettable times and/or actions.....okay, so everyone has those.....I just happen to have an extremely harsh view of myself that does not seem to make things pleasant in my head sometimes.

HOWEVER, I have found the





(at least for today.......we all know I am fickle and my whims and fancies can change at the drop of a hat)


I think that sufficiently makes up for several days of no cravats. Yes. Yes, I am very pleased with myself right now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm not really sure what's going on here......(apologies in advance)

Well, I was going to watch a movie tonight. I couldn't decide between Transformers and Persuasion....I know, I know....but then I had to make banana bars for a funeral dinner, so it was late and I came to the internet and found 4 new X-Men clips!!!!! Huzzah!!!! And inevitably got so distracted that by the time the bars came out of the oven, I figured it was too late to watch a movie. Sigh. I really wanted to watch something that didn't involve preschool learning....OOOh. speaking of which...

Yesterday on Arthur, Muffy started a blog called The Muffington Post. hahaha. She spent all her time blogging and not doing anything else. Then she started to be mean, particularly to Francine. Then Francine took the school newspaper digital and used it as a vehicle for discussion of the Muffy/Francine bustup......At some point Muffy got her phone that she blogged on during class taken away from her.....I must not have seen the last of it...although, of course, everything turned out okay...Muffy and Francine are friends again and perhaps there will be blogging in moderation....sigh. Hilarious.....except, how old are they on Arthur????

Okay. Apparently Arthur is 8...and in 3rd grade. 3rd graders don't blog, do they???? (oh nevermind, they probably do....sigh)

Okay. Brilliant! The Little Prince has it's own website....and Store! You can do a whole baby's room in Little Prince!!!! HOW GLORIOUS!!!! I adore The Little Prince. A very dear aunt gave me my copy. Then I bought my brother a copy. My college bff adores it. My Aunt Nancy bought the popup version for Doodle recently. I've made a cubee Little Prince...and now there's a new version to make! Must...find...bone folder....

I so wish I spoke French, so I could read it properly. Sigh. Silly Spanish only school district....

Right. So. Last few days recap.
Sunday - mother's day. brunch. decorating for banquet. cookout dinner.
Monday - Thespian Awards Banquet....most successful. no chicken tetrazini - huzzah! always a great salad bar.
Tuesday - migraine out of nowhere. went to bed at 9:00.
Today - took the kidlets to the zoo and had a picnic lunch!!!! soooo tired. will load pics from mom's camera on computer tomorrow...then show some. will load mine as soon as my computer gets itself fixed.....siiiiigh. most of them are, of course, on my camera. mom's came because i wasn't sure how much battery i had.....it made it most of the day.
then - naps for all! (doodle told me i was "a stinker....like her" while we were rocking...oh that girl!). viewing of a few houses with the family boo. dinner. movie confusion. baking....
and that brings us up to date. Sigh. Sorry...

Oh! and I made those cupcakes I discussed Friday in Things I Heart...the lemon blueberry ones from Annie's Eats! They were absolutely fantabutastictodiefor!!!!! the icing was perfection! you can totally use frozen blueberrys.....just don't leave them out while you go decorate for anything, because when you come back you will find that your lovely niece has consumed the extras and you can no longer make them pretty on top of cupcakes.....but they went to a good home!

GO MAKE THEM!!!!!!! (or tell me to make some for you!!!!!)

right. time to go pass out again.....

Okay, so......pretty sure it's waaaaaay past bedtime.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I love you, Mummy! Happy Mother's Day! I got you a present:

You can come visit any time you like! (also, I hope you like your new wallpaper. the boys are finally back!)

Also, when you're lonely, you can go here:

And this is what I'm pretending I got for Mother's day:

Sigh. A lovely metal Tardis lunchbox.

And because you've made it through so much Who, I give you:

Thank you GeekTyrant for all you do and all you bring us!
This is pretty much the best thing EVER! (until I own mind reading cat ears anyway....)

AND Finally, I leave you with the glorious Captain Wentworth


oh right...i forgot...i did lovely google searches to find the above images

Friday, May 6, 2011

Things I Heart!


Yes, that is right. Mr. Magneto-Rochester tops the list....swoon.
Doesn't this picture have a Colin Firth/Fitzwilliam Darcy ring to it?!?!?!
Most intriguing.....

2. How awesome is this?!?!?! ~ Wearable Cat Ears that can Read your MInd

This concept is brilliant to me, as anyone who was around during my cat phase could easily understand....hello. I owned pants with a tail......Check out the article, though, seriously. It's intriguing...

3. Lemon-Blueberry Cupcakes from Annie's Eats ~ pretty much my favouritest food blog...LOVE using her recipes.....go. Check out her food. Check out her beautiful pictures. GOOOOOOO!!!!

4. I have ALWAYS loved this quote. I think it being on a bag, or any number of belongings, is a good idea as well.

Good old George Bernard....

4. Due to my recently developed hugenormous crush on Magneto, I think this is absolutely BRILLIANT! Plus ~ it's HILARIOUS!

All in all Mighty Fine is a most excellent shirt store....I could do some damage there..for myself and for others....many lovely X-Men things

5. Because it's late (always) I will stop at 5 this week....and I leave you with something near and dear to my heart....another man in cravat.....which I think will be a daily occurrence until such time as I run out of handsome men in cravats....

Sigh. Swoon. Do you even know how hard it was to find a picture where he wasn't disheveled and cravatless???? Not that that's REALLY a problem......

In the news today (Sarahland edition)

hmph. There was totally a picture of James McAvoy from Penelope when I went to post last night...wonder where it went to?!?!?! Sigh. I love that movie ever so much. So does my dad. It's our movie.

So. A few exciting things today.

First: Another new X-Men trailer...this one featuring Mystique! Thank you GeekTyrant for taking care of all my X-Men needs these days! It's a great place. A very happy place. I suggest you all live there like I do...but then I would not tell you things that surprise you....not that all my exciting newses come from there......Right. SOrry. Moving on

Next up: How cute is this?!?!?!?! Gnome Necklace!!!!!!!!! LOOOVE LOOOVE LOOOVE!!!

(click here to take you to Honey Girl Studio's Jewelery blog!)

And finally (for now): This BRILLIANT Etsy shop!

There are also lots of great quotes on different articles to carry/wear/stick to places and some great wall art quotes. Swoon!!! And I totally agree.....is a 19th century gentleman too much to ask? I THINK NOT!!!!

Right. I'll be back later with this weeks edition of THINGS I HEART.....after I go see Jane Eyre, which I totally heart!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

you know it's time to give up and go to bed when....

So I just realized my wrist hurts from mousing and my eyes are starting to cross....I think I've been at the computer for too long...Sigh.

In other words, Blog & Bed....

Some excellent discoveries for the day:

how cute is that???? Totally my new favourite (imaginary) beer! yes. i would wear this tshirt.

An Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant!!!!!! Check it out!!!!
If only it weren't in Japan......

I'm pretty sure I just found what I'm getting my brother for his birthday (but will not show you on the off chance that he figures out I have a blog)

my dearest friend has just informed me:
Jane Eyre IS FINALLY PLAYING HERE!!!!! Starting tomorrow! At the Art! (i've never been and i've always wanted to go!!!!!)

yes.....i AM excited!

There are 3 new X-men Trailers out today......if they do
n't stop producing epic trailers and crappy-ass posters I may just die before June gets here!


because i can......

and i've had a crap day.....

and because the world does not appreciate near enough, the wonderfulness of a man in a cravat....

(it is now several hours later, i swear, and my eyes will be falling out as soon as i hit publish)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th be with you!

So proud of myself! I remembered! Okay, actually, one of the blogs I read reminded me, but YAY anyway. I never remember today is Star Wars day. So, of course, being reminded, I wore my epic Yoda in sunglasses baseball shirt. Huzzah. Best Christmas present ever! Unfortunately, I did not remember in time to make Star Wars cookies with my epic Williams-Sonoma cookie cutters:

Upon going to their site to get a picture of them, I have remembered that I need the Vehicles cookie cutters too! And discovered the brilliant epicness of the sandwich cutter set!!!!

Oh to make Millennium Falcon sandwiches and Yoda cookies for all my loved ones!!!!
(I also discovered a great need for the Rebel Alliance and Empire cupcake kits...but wise people all around me would tell me I could make people for cupcakes...to which I would say "yes, but will they be in papers with Chewbacca on the bottom of them??????")

The pancake molds, spatulas and aprons are all lovely too.....but I could survive without them....ah to live in a world where nerdiness is embraced (at least sometimes)

I leave you with this fantabulous epicness::::::

To know Jedi Dobler is to Love Him
(today's $10 teeshirt at Riptapparel.com)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ramble on...

So....it is totally not Monday....which is kindof shocking to me. Sigh. Also, how on earth is it May? Clearly I've blown through almost half a year again without noticing.....

Spent the lovliest of days with the darlings yesterday...Big funeral for a most wonderful man, I remembered him by caring for the kids so Mom could do what she does best - feed flocks....well, one flock anyway....funeral dinner (not sure how she survived without my superior help, hahaha)

Was having a very good day, so stayed up late and made Stuffy Cookies for my dear brother....only about 2 years or so late....they were supposed to be a congrats for getting hired at carle treat....how long and how many promotions since he started?!?!!? He really enjoyed them, though, so that's happy. And they are kinda magical. Unfortunately it was late and I forgot to take pictures. But, there is apricot jam in the fridge, so I may have to make more soon! (but not until after I make donuts!!!!!!)

Dad and I watched UP while I baked.....I think that is simply one of the bestest movies ever. LOOOOOOOVE it!

In delightful surprise news: Aunt Deb sent a very pretty Hello Kitty watch home to me!

In embarrassing news: I found The Voice strangely intriguing tonight....not sure that it will continue to be so......the whole choosing them without seeing them thing was just compelling television for me apparently. Hmmm

Right. So. I need to get my crafty act together....I've got a GodDaughter turning 3 in a week and a half.....

p.s. so happy i realized that the first She & Him cd is on the computer (not sure what I've done with the disk and have really been needing to listen to it...)