Monday, April 25, 2011

My 51st post and lots of other things!!!!! (including the doctor)

Pretty much adorable, right?!!
Doctor Who meets Reservoir Dogs. Love it!

So, I'm a big fan of Unfortunately, sometimes I forget to check it that day and it's always the really good ones that I miss. Every day is a different tshirt design. Each design is only offered that day and for only $10. How cool is that?!?!

Good grief, this blog was supposed to be a place for my crafty endeavors...I guess I did post my Who hairclips a while back...I started and finished knitting a hat today while I was subbing. Pretty epic knitting skills if I do say so myself...however, it was for a paid customer and I didn't have my camera at school, so no picture...perhaps I'll be able to scavenge one from facebook...not that I have pictures of any of the other hats I've sold. But they're all adorable and well-loved. Huzzah!!!!

I can't believe this is my 51st post. I am so proud of myself! Finally! I have persevered and can know say I have a blog, that I actually blog in! YAAAAAY! It's about damn time.

I am currently looking for a black dress to wear as a bridesmaid this summer....any thoughts?!?!

Right. I'm going to go sleep off this half a package of premade, prefrozen margarita...Karisa and I missed our annual Easter Margarita, so we had it with our Monical's tonight. Maybe not the ideal pairing, but it can't be any worse than margaritas and prime rib, can it????

Okay, really, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the morning that I wake up and will be free and clear of my withdrawal's been long enough, I swear!

Also, the kids are back in the morning, so clearly I need my sleep!!!!!
I think I'll read just a twidge mad falling asleep skills seem to have abandoned me as of late. sigh.

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