Monday, April 4, 2011


So...Saturday and Sunday. Yes, they existed.

Saturday was Loompa rehearsal/characterization research featuring Dr. Who (david tennant), lunch, set work until 10:15. Home to watch Matt Smith in his first episode of Dr. Who, passing out. Also, there was loads of back icing sqeezed in there. Sigh.

Sunday was Church, icing & lunch, set work til 6, home for dinner and repeat Matt Smith episode (so I could clearly assess my feelings on the subject of a Doctor who is NOT David Tennant, NOT because I'm obsessed, back to school to work til 10:30, ice & Bones, pass out.

Today. Practically unable to move, ice. Finally moving, shower. Reheasal. BEST PRESENT EVER!!!!!!! (to be blogged about tomorrow!!!!). Dinner. Temporarily confused and worried had fallen into a wormhole as Chuck was an episode from season 3, NOT this year and The Big Bang Theory was on when it's moved to was quite upsetting for a bit. Fabric finding, returning to school, creating a waterfall, planning a door and an elevator arch, home, ice & Are You Being Served, Again!, pass out.

Clearly I have not passed out yet, but that's the plan.

I'm off to find the ice.....

p.s. I find this hard to say, as I do love Mr. Darcy ever so much, but I will be voting for Bertie Wooster when they compete........

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