Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in which i try to stay upright long enough to post

An open letter to Future Sarah:

Dear Sarah,
Please always remember that you sometimes react very strangely to new medicines. Therefore, when you are out by yourself and you happen to pick up a new prescription, please do not take said pill until you are home and no longer going to be driving.
Good luck, Stupid Sarah

So, yes, I am still having medicinal issues. The dr. has given me something new to add to hopefully take away all side effects (which I am still convinced are withdrawal symptoms, but he is not, so....) However, I do believe that it is worse, not better. Oh well, guess I'll give it a day, as he is not in the office tomorrow. Sigh.

In other news, I found the most excellent cuffs on FashionablyGeek today. Sigh. I keep finding jewelery with this Tolkien quote on it, which is one of my favourites. Double Sigh.

BIIG BIIG Day in Trailers today: Not 1 but 2!!! new Xmen trailers AAAAND a Deathly Hallows 2 trailer!!! What a brilliant day for the geeks of the world on the internet!!!!! God Bless Geektyrant for gathering them all together for us!!!!!!

ALSO: It is TERRIBLE and SOOOO very pissy that Jane Eyre is not showing anywhere around here. That just frustrates me to NO end!!!!

Right. So. Up and down day around here.

Possible Highlight: Doodle, in her pissy voice, yelling "I need poop!"

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