Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 23

Oh dear, my back was so bad today. Poor me. Wahwahwah. Okay. I'm done with that.

So. I've been on a total book binge lately. Reading like crazy.....not that that's anything really new to me or my life in general. But yeah. Mostly YA fantasy lately....and a couple of grownup ones. I'm ridiculous. Right now I'm reading Need. I've also got the second Parasol Protectorate in my immediate to reads and a book about characters of plays living in a theatre, but I don't feel like getting up at this very moment to find out what it is, as my back.....etc. etc. I'm going to start doing a weekly book review, but I have to decide which book to start with and what day I'm going to do them on. I lurve books so much!!!!!

Tonight I've been icing and reliving my past by watching one of my favourites from the college days. Had forgotten how extraordinarily hilarious it is....barring season 4. I just pretend it doesn't exist...the world is much better that way.

I made sure to check out that new show, Chaos

which was very entertaining indeed. I think it has plenty of potential for quality Friday night enjoyment. Huzzah!

Anyway, I've got rehearsal in the morning and painting and set building the rest of the weekend, so I must go to bed. Plus, Matt Smith takes over as Doctor Who tomorrow night, so I must get my strength know, mentally prepare myself to be in the Tardis without David Tennant. Sigh.

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