Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding and Things I Heart

In honour of Wills & Kate's wedding I give you this:

It has the most fabulous video with it, but I am not smart enough to figure out how to put it on here....maybe it's not possible....sigh. Go watch it. Seriously. Doodle and I have watched it close to a zillion times (only a slight exaggeration).

Plus......See Katy Perry's Royal Wedding-Inspired Nails

In other royal news, I taught Doodle to say "Long live the Queen" and "We love Wills & Kate" today.....mostly to annoy my brother, who is not embracing our British heritage in the face of the Royal Wedding. Boo J.

I have decided it was ridiculous for me to do "things I heart" on Wednesdays, because Wednesday is the one day of the week that my evening is always busy....SO, I'm moving it to Friday! Yay!

1. Girl Genius: Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE
It's the webcomic I read consistently, three days a week, every week. I so heart it....makes me want to get to work on steam punk clothing for myself!


Elsie's blog A Beautiful Mess is one of my absolute favourites! I love her vintage style, her art, her new store, her even newer dress line....basically I wish I could move to Springfield, MO to hang out with her (and her sister, Emma) and eat cupcakes and drink coffee!!!!


It's a whole apparel line dedicated to the Star Wars girls of the world!!! YAAAAY!!!! (not that I don't have my share of youth boy shirts to prove my love...but this is WAY awesomer!!)
This one is my current favourite:

Also, this one

4th (and finally, because I'm tired and medicinally strung out....)
This epic quote from Neil Gaiman on Doctor Who:

"No, look, there's a blue box. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It can go anywhere in time and space and sometimes even where it's meant to go. And when it turns up, there's a bloke in it called The Doctor and there will be stuff wrong and he will do his best to sort it out and he will probably succeed 'cause he's awesome. Now sit down, shut up, and watch Blink." -
Neil Gaiman, (watch the WonderCon panel here).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I changed my mind....

THIS is the best best best thing in the history of my day...

the only place i had to go was up, right?!?

This is the highlight of my day. That is all. (via)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in which i try to stay upright long enough to post

An open letter to Future Sarah:

Dear Sarah,
Please always remember that you sometimes react very strangely to new medicines. Therefore, when you are out by yourself and you happen to pick up a new prescription, please do not take said pill until you are home and no longer going to be driving.
Good luck, Stupid Sarah

So, yes, I am still having medicinal issues. The dr. has given me something new to add to hopefully take away all side effects (which I am still convinced are withdrawal symptoms, but he is not, so....) However, I do believe that it is worse, not better. Oh well, guess I'll give it a day, as he is not in the office tomorrow. Sigh.

In other news, I found the most excellent cuffs on FashionablyGeek today. Sigh. I keep finding jewelery with this Tolkien quote on it, which is one of my favourites. Double Sigh.

BIIG BIIG Day in Trailers today: Not 1 but 2!!! new Xmen trailers AAAAND a Deathly Hallows 2 trailer!!! What a brilliant day for the geeks of the world on the internet!!!!! God Bless Geektyrant for gathering them all together for us!!!!!!

ALSO: It is TERRIBLE and SOOOO very pissy that Jane Eyre is not showing anywhere around here. That just frustrates me to NO end!!!!

Right. So. Up and down day around here.

Possible Highlight: Doodle, in her pissy voice, yelling "I need poop!"

Monday, April 25, 2011

My 51st post and lots of other things!!!!! (including the doctor)

Pretty much adorable, right?!!
Doctor Who meets Reservoir Dogs. Love it!

So, I'm a big fan of Unfortunately, sometimes I forget to check it that day and it's always the really good ones that I miss. Every day is a different tshirt design. Each design is only offered that day and for only $10. How cool is that?!?!

Good grief, this blog was supposed to be a place for my crafty endeavors...I guess I did post my Who hairclips a while back...I started and finished knitting a hat today while I was subbing. Pretty epic knitting skills if I do say so myself...however, it was for a paid customer and I didn't have my camera at school, so no picture...perhaps I'll be able to scavenge one from facebook...not that I have pictures of any of the other hats I've sold. But they're all adorable and well-loved. Huzzah!!!!

I can't believe this is my 51st post. I am so proud of myself! Finally! I have persevered and can know say I have a blog, that I actually blog in! YAAAAAY! It's about damn time.

I am currently looking for a black dress to wear as a bridesmaid this summer....any thoughts?!?!

Right. I'm going to go sleep off this half a package of premade, prefrozen margarita...Karisa and I missed our annual Easter Margarita, so we had it with our Monical's tonight. Maybe not the ideal pairing, but it can't be any worse than margaritas and prime rib, can it????

Okay, really, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the morning that I wake up and will be free and clear of my withdrawal's been long enough, I swear!

Also, the kids are back in the morning, so clearly I need my sleep!!!!!
I think I'll read just a twidge mad falling asleep skills seem to have abandoned me as of late. sigh.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

blogging from bedfordshire

still feeling like trash. have to sub in the morning. am going to bed. have lots of pictures to load tomorrow.
Happy Easter!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!

every single peep picture taken from


so. totally belated post as the power went out and there was no computer for the evening as we were inundated with storms. Huzzah! I love thunder!!!!

total blah day. which was good. i needed it. i have switched medications (which was definitely the right and needed thing to do!) and am experiencing dreadful withdrawal symptoms from the one i have stopped taking, so a day of lazing and sleeping late was well appreciated, even if it wasn't what i should have been doing.

several loads of laundry were also done.
and i read at Good Friday services.
and i looked super cute as i have been losing weight and my outfit fit better than it did when i got it...YAY!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Crazy day.

Premiere of my most excellent 10 minute spring play that is technically nameless at Growing Together. Huzzah. Everyone loved it. The kids did an awesome job. Soooo proud! Brilliant!!!!
(pics sometime this weekend)

Spent most of the morning looking up side effects and withdrawal effects on the computer and dancing to the Beatles with Doodle, as she decided she was going to spend the morning in the office with auntie. Which was exactly what I needed!!! We danced and drew and used stickers and made sure I wasn't going crazy. Huzzah! And surprise of all surprises, my tiny crazy dancer looooved Dancing With Myself. She also super loved the Beatles. Such a smart girl!!!!

Sleep now! (hopefully!!!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

43 - Things I heart Wednesday

So. I am excited for the new Transformers movie. I am also excited that Megan Fox isn't in it. Poor Sam. Oh well, he's still got Bumblebee!!!!!!!

Also, I think I really want to see The Art of Getting By! I heart Freddie Highmore too. I've never seen anything with Emma Roberts in it, but she played Nancy Drew, so I guess I'll give her a chance! Cause I also heart Nancy Drew.

I also heart clearance cinnamon rolls, awesome lollipops, and $6 Easter cake.
And a wonderful evening with friends!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

35-42? i think that's right....but more importantly...Elisabeth Sladen

last 8 days recap:
so. play consumed completely the last week. finally over. doing a 10 minute show for growing together this thursday. sigh. then we're done for the year.
finally feelilng mostly better from being sick. still having hinkys from my medicine though.

Elisabeth Sladen died today from cancer. This is completely terrible and shocking. She of the sonic lipstick has gone to Companion Heaven. She who traveled with John Pertwee and Tom Baker. Had adventures with David Tennant and Matt Smith. And ever-faithful K-9.

I would like to think that my Sarah and my Elisabeth with an S came from her. My heart is broken right now. Is 9:00 too early to go to bed????

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


right. so. made it through picture night. now we finally have time to work on those pesky scene changes.

also. i really wish i'd checked teefury the day this one was on!!! damnation!!!!!!!! greatest shirt ever of the day!!!

i've made a huge mistake.



Monday, April 11, 2011


cutest thing ever. i want to go to mordor. NOW!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


i'm dreaming of....................

Saturday, April 9, 2011


those shots were amazing!!!! i felt brilliant this morning! (still terrible coughy, but none of the other crap!!!)
tech rehearsal in the morning - wish it had been several hours longer....sigh
best of all though, dinner with megs and ashley...
yay bridesmaid and a dessert bar to help with!!!!!!
so excited!!!!!!!!!
right. been going allllll day nonstop. going to go pass out, once again.
good night fair readers!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Woohoo!!! I got two shots today at the doctor's. And pills and cough syrup. I feel awesome!!!! (well, maybe not completely, but compared to this morning, etc...)

Well, this is once again short and boring.
I'm going to have some tea and write a letter to parents asking for treat donations!
Then SLEEP!!!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

day 29

fever broke finally, prolly shouldn't have been using a knife before it did. oh well. work had to be done. feeling wretched. going to doctor in morning. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


worked on set stuff at school w/joamma, dad until 1:35. just got home, put in laundry, took cough syrup. must go pass out.

p.s. things may get a little boring around here for the next week and a half or a show next weekend. huzzah.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


going to this site and watching the trailer made my day!

i took some set pictures and was going to do donut pan pics, but i pretty much just got home from working on the set. i am going to go to bed instead.


Monday, April 4, 2011


So...Saturday and Sunday. Yes, they existed.

Saturday was Loompa rehearsal/characterization research featuring Dr. Who (david tennant), lunch, set work until 10:15. Home to watch Matt Smith in his first episode of Dr. Who, passing out. Also, there was loads of back icing sqeezed in there. Sigh.

Sunday was Church, icing & lunch, set work til 6, home for dinner and repeat Matt Smith episode (so I could clearly assess my feelings on the subject of a Doctor who is NOT David Tennant, NOT because I'm obsessed, back to school to work til 10:30, ice & Bones, pass out.

Today. Practically unable to move, ice. Finally moving, shower. Reheasal. BEST PRESENT EVER!!!!!!! (to be blogged about tomorrow!!!!). Dinner. Temporarily confused and worried had fallen into a wormhole as Chuck was an episode from season 3, NOT this year and The Big Bang Theory was on when it's moved to was quite upsetting for a bit. Fabric finding, returning to school, creating a waterfall, planning a door and an elevator arch, home, ice & Are You Being Served, Again!, pass out.

Clearly I have not passed out yet, but that's the plan.

I'm off to find the ice.....

p.s. I find this hard to say, as I do love Mr. Darcy ever so much, but I will be voting for Bertie Wooster when they compete........

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 23

Oh dear, my back was so bad today. Poor me. Wahwahwah. Okay. I'm done with that.

So. I've been on a total book binge lately. Reading like crazy.....not that that's anything really new to me or my life in general. But yeah. Mostly YA fantasy lately....and a couple of grownup ones. I'm ridiculous. Right now I'm reading Need. I've also got the second Parasol Protectorate in my immediate to reads and a book about characters of plays living in a theatre, but I don't feel like getting up at this very moment to find out what it is, as my back.....etc. etc. I'm going to start doing a weekly book review, but I have to decide which book to start with and what day I'm going to do them on. I lurve books so much!!!!!

Tonight I've been icing and reliving my past by watching one of my favourites from the college days. Had forgotten how extraordinarily hilarious it is....barring season 4. I just pretend it doesn't exist...the world is much better that way.

I made sure to check out that new show, Chaos

which was very entertaining indeed. I think it has plenty of potential for quality Friday night enjoyment. Huzzah!

Anyway, I've got rehearsal in the morning and painting and set building the rest of the weekend, so I must go to bed. Plus, Matt Smith takes over as Doctor Who tomorrow night, so I must get my strength know, mentally prepare myself to be in the Tardis without David Tennant. Sigh.