Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Middle Earth, Superheroes, a bit of Fry & Laurie, and a whole lot of rambling

This is the most epically brilliant thing I have ever seen!!!!! I want to live there!!!! (although the real middle earth might be more comfortable than a lego one....)

look at this preciousness!!!! (pun totally intended)


Agh! There's so much more....but I will not post all of them. Don't want to spoil it all. But seriously. Go check it out!!!! 

And this breaks my nerdy little tmnt-loving heart, particularly since I have no idea where it came from other than the list it's on.....sigh.....

There are some other excellent hoodies on the list...probably since it calls itself the "25 coolest hoodies in the world" list....but krang totally and completely kicks everything other sweatshirt's ass...even the complete shredder.....and the pikachu and r2-d2 ones.......but not by thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat much. sigh.

So cleverly adorable and lovely and fun! Love it! Love it! Love it!

This is my favouritest quote of the day, from Joss Wheadon, on making the Avengers and other super hero directors:   We're in the business of proving that superhero movies aren't just eye-candy (they're eye-TRUFFLES!).
So, no. I have not seen The Avengers yet....haven't had time...but I simply cannot wait until I do have time!!!!
Nor can I wait to see Spiderman!!! (half considered not attending our performance that day so as to see it when it opens, then realized i would not have to miss it if i went at midnight....however, neither of those are likely to happen anyway....the whole 2 shows in a week and a half thing and all....)
I am supremely excited and horrified all at once at the thought of finally seeing the final Batman. I do not want it to end. I am still unsure about Anne Hathaway. I know Christopher Nolan has done more than epic brilliant thus far and it will all be okay, but I'm a worrier at heart....and a crier by nature (i blame my abnormally large tear-ducts for that one...). It is undoubtable that I WILL cry. And I probably will cry lots...... (see previous posts for more mention of my pathetic ability to cry at almost any and every film in existence).

Curses! I was going to indulge in some pre-avengers-viewing eye-truffles with Joamma tonight, but then both our schedules attacked us. And now, when I am ready to be sleepy, I have realized that I could have been watching Tangled!!!!!! Quadruple curses!!!!! 
I attempted to watch it on Monday morning with Roo, as she brought it over with her. Unfortunately, by the time we got to the menu, she had decided she'd rather watch some muppet show. (we're on a major muppet kick around here these days....chuckles sings "man or muppet" and mahna-mahna...i still can't manage to watch the new movie without crying....) Sigh. My life is terribly hard.

Which brings me to my final point. Last Friday, at lunch, I overheard this conversation ~
Roo: Life is hard! (with a bit of a sigh at the end of it)
Chuckles: (a bit too enthusiastically) I know!!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! I NEARLY DIED....or at least really honestly almost fell out of my chair....honestly.

And on that note....
I shall leave you with some gratuitous pictures of Hugh Laurie. Swooooooon

And just to be safe....A little Bertie & Jeeves..........

    Simply lovely. Pure innate happiness. Agh. Sigh.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So, I spent the last week accomplishing a whole lot of nothing from my hugenormous to-do list.

Last night, though, I discovered that one of The Wombats' albums is only $5 to download on amazon this month. I'm a fan of $5 albums of the month. It makes me happy.

I recently finished reading The Girl Who Could Fly. I stalked it for a while last summer when Borders was closing, but never got it. It was recently loaned to me by one of my kids. We have a tendency to like the same books.
It was quite brilliant. At first, I wasn't quite sure, but I was hopeful. It turned out even better than I wanted it to, which was very happy.
I highly recommend it to all!!!

Get yourself frozen in Carbonite... That's a very sneaky and underhanded article title. Apparently during Disney's Star Wars weekends this year you can "get frozen in carbonite". And by that, they mean have your head scanned and get an 8" figurine of what it would look like frozen in carbonite - for only $100...if you make .

Ah, well. Leave it to George and Disney to come up with a way to the fans....

On a slightly more cheery note, Rick Riordan's 3rd Kane Chronicles book is out and I can't wait to read it. Unfortunately, I have also discovered that it is the last book in the series...making it a trilogy, actually, and not a series. This greatly saddens me. I'm a big fan of Egypt.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


definitely been missing the old, sad blog. needs a makeover. and loads of new words.
thought maybe i'd do some in-depth writing tonight, but then i got distracted by the last episode of season 2 of white collar.
got the 1st season for Christmas. 2nd for end of the spring show. yay!!! can't wait til season 3 is out in june. sigh.
oh bryce larkin. i do so love your show. even if you are pretending to be neal caffrey.


Balderdash. now i miss chuck even more than ever...............sigh. probably time for all chuck all the time television in sarahland. it would totally be workable in terms of all the writing i need to do. continuous happy background, no need to look up to know what's going on.....not that i would NOT look up sometimes.
oh zachary levi...i miss you ever so much......


stupid nbc. yes. yes i am still extraordinarily pissed off at you for destroying chuck......probably always will be.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

poor bloggy

poor little blog. my life went crazy and i basically haven't been on the internet since el last post.

plus, i was gone.

(for a while anyway...more travels this week.......)

so. more brilliance coming later today. have to live thru move-in, first.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Isn't this just the most beautiful thing?!?!!?

Pretty sure I'm in love. Sigh. So gypsy-faerie-magical....

I definitely made the most excellent shirt design tonight for the Theatre Program. Yay ME! Some people will think it is most excellent. Some people will want to punch us in the face even more than normal. Some people will die from its gloriousness.
Unfortunately, it won't upload. So you'll have to wait until I put it on a shirt.....after I get a shirt for it....hmmmm....what colour?????

So I think I'm going to investigate getting a carrying case for the sound board. I think it would be a good idea. And it's less than $200. Have to check the board model first, of course.
Got a Carvin catalogue in the mail the other day. Roo and I looked at it together. She wants a guitar. She also has the sound board on the page opposite the one that looks like a newer model of mine. Interesting.

thought about discussing the star wars wallpaper that is know, for over $300/roll big enough to cover anything.....but i'll wait.

am feeling a bit empty.
a bit exhausted mentally.
a bit nervous excited.
a bit in love with the wombats (still, and more than a bit)
a huge bit tired.
quite a bit tragic.

silly girl.

This however, is a wonderful ending. And also reminds me of the Dalek nursery decoration I need to discuss.....soon.


hilariously adorable.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


fail day, blog.
spent too much time looking at the online script shipping thru the 18th!
too late. no excitement.
lots of work accomplished.
will be dreaming of shakespeare.
and possibly having nightmares about the beverley hillbillies musical.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm a balloon on a broken string


I totally just found a script for The Neverending Story!!!!!! Also, The Giver. 2 of the best stories ever!!!! Thinking of my great love for The Giver from a young age makes me realize that I've been a huge fan of dystopian fiction for a very long time. Hmmm. Interesting.
Oh The Hunger Games how I love thee!!!!!

Sometimes I don't feel like laughing. This definitely has the power to change that:

Kind of freaking hilarious! And wonderful!!

So, I'm pretty sure that The Boy Least Likely To raids my thoughts and emotions while I sleep so that they can write glorious songs. Seriously.
The lyrics to I Keep Myself To Myself are completely me, in a nutshell. A companion song to my other song, Be Gentle With Me.

I keep myself to myself
And no one else
Knows how it feels to be me and I’m
All by myself
I got a tick and a twitch
For everything
The world is made up of boxes that
I don’t fit in
Sometimes when I look up at the stars I
Feels so alone because I know
That no one can ever
See the world the same way that I do
I am afraid of falling in love so I
Keep myself to myself
I want a cookie and I need a hug but I
Keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
And when I’m sad
I comfort myself with thinking that
No one understands
Sometimes I dig through the shells at a low tide
I wonder if anything fragile
Could ever survive in this world without getting broken
I am afraid of things that can hurt so I
Keep myself to myself
I feel completely alone in the world and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
And so wherever I go I wear
My heart uncomfortably on my sleeve
I put my elbows up over my ears and I
Keep myself to myself
I close my eyes and the world disappears and I
Keep myself to myself
I’ll never be lonely when I am alone and I
Keep myself to myself
I live in a little world of my own and I
Keep myself to myself to myself
I keep myself to myself
I keep myself to myself to myself

So yeah. That's that. And they have a Christmas album, which I didn't know, so.....that's on the must have list...along with the Phineas and Ferb Christmas album.
I'm special, huh.

Today I purchased massive amounts of fleece for Roo's birthday/Christmas present-project. Mario, Luigi, Toadstool, & Princess Peach dolls. I guess it's time to start drafting patterns!

This one's way more festive and uplifting! Plus the video is adorable!!!!

Lots of videos lately, huh. I think it's a good way to avoid actually writing things.
But seriously, The Boy Least Likely To is my musical soulmate!!

Speaking of wonderfulness......I NEED a pink dalek dress!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'd get married in a pink dalek dress if I had one and I had a boy who'd let me! (It'd go great with my tardis wedding ring!)


OHMYFREAKINGGOODNESS!!!!!!! It's a pair of Dalek cufflinks....but not just any old Dalek cufflinks....they are Davros cufflinks!@!!!!!JE!@@!##$#@!$!@~~~~!!!!!
God Bless Etsy!!!!! (my heart totally belongs to Davros)


Aggggghhhh!!! So upon further looking, the shop that sold the tardis ring from my March 30th post no longer exists!!!! And the rings left on the etsy are all ugh.

I am heartbroken. And dejected. And in misery.

I shall go now.