Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So, I spent the last week accomplishing a whole lot of nothing from my hugenormous to-do list.

Last night, though, I discovered that one of The Wombats' albums is only $5 to download on amazon this month. I'm a fan of $5 albums of the month. It makes me happy.

I recently finished reading The Girl Who Could Fly. I stalked it for a while last summer when Borders was closing, but never got it. It was recently loaned to me by one of my kids. We have a tendency to like the same books.
It was quite brilliant. At first, I wasn't quite sure, but I was hopeful. It turned out even better than I wanted it to, which was very happy.
I highly recommend it to all!!!

Get yourself frozen in Carbonite... That's a very sneaky and underhanded article title. Apparently during Disney's Star Wars weekends this year you can "get frozen in carbonite". And by that, they mean have your head scanned and get an 8" figurine of what it would look like frozen in carbonite - for only $100...if you make .

Ah, well. Leave it to George and Disney to come up with a way to the fans....

On a slightly more cheery note, Rick Riordan's 3rd Kane Chronicles book is out and I can't wait to read it. Unfortunately, I have also discovered that it is the last book in the series...making it a trilogy, actually, and not a series. This greatly saddens me. I'm a big fan of Egypt.

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