Tuesday, July 19, 2011

About time...

Okay. Well. I have successfully done an entire play without blogging once. And thensome. The last performance of Father Knows Best was on Sunday afternoon. All in all an epic summer production full of lovely people and wonderful acting. Yay!
And in other news, we know my new medicine is working now: after strike I went to the cast party AND THEN went and watched a movie with some Vaughns. These are not things I do after strike. I collapse. And am completely antisocial for as long as I can get away with it. Instead I honestly, really, truly feel like having a life these days. You know, like, making plans with people and doing things...leaving the house, not sleeping all the time and just getting by. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world I think.

so this is what I watched Sunday night:

I'm pretty sure I cannot decide who is more adorable ~ Gru or the minions.....or maybe Kyle. I'm a big fan of Kyle.
Anyway, needless to say, I LOOOOOOVED Despicable Me. I have been meaning to see it since it came out, but it just never happened. Until Sunday. And then again on Monday when I forced Mum and Dad to watch it.

I feel that I must share another love of mine now:

I love this man's voice ever so very much. Sigh. And swoon. Oh Iron & Wine how I love thee!!!!

This is the song that drew me to the beauty that is Sam Beam's music

I could listen for years..........

So anyway. I'm back. I'm excited to be back. I am also excited to have a diversion to distract me from the annoying fact that I never, ever know what it is I want until it has just left my grasp...Double sigh. No need to worry. I don't think I'm going to give up yet....

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