Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upon having been a blogging failure...

Upon having been a blogging failure since, oh, I started this lovely blog, I made a lovely pair of earrings to commemorate said event. One says "Epic" and the other says "Fail". Totally appropriate. I shall wear them as a reminder to fail no more! and also because I love them. Now if only I had pins long enough to make awesome sprinkles ones.........guess I've got a shopping list!

Today I also started putting together my green pearl necklace. I've been wanting a coloured pearl necklace for quite a while. Luckily for me, I was given a Hobby Lobby gift card for Christmas - it must have been fate!!!!!!

Big news ~ I am officially a substitute teacher! Now all I have to do is wait for the phone to ring! I know I've got a sweet day of babysitting on the 17th for soph/jr h.s. english. Yay! It's a reading day. Hopefully it will be fun. Even more hopefully, my Percy Jackson and the Olympians box set will be in from the 3rd grade book order!!! I loooooooooooove book order so very much! And I've got my very own book order dealer in the form of my superduper covered in awesome sprinkles sister in law! HUZZAH!!!!!

We've started the spring show. We're doing a musical...which will be interesting...but it's the one Karisa and I directed last summer for summer camp, so at least I've got it down forward and backward! And I get to do way more with the build a beanstalk!!!!

Well, with all that news and rambling, I think I'll sign off with a picture of one of my favourite and best things these currently waiting for season 3 to come out on dvd

earring and necklace pictures to come in the near future!!!

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