Wednesday, February 10, 2010

in which i am sick

i haven't been doing much lately...i have a massive head cold and sore throat...luckily we had snow days yesterday and today, so i have not been exposing any of the high schoolers to it. i did brave the snow to watch this movie yesterday, though

on Sunday, my dearest sister-in-law, Karisa and I had a delightful playdate that included grilled cheese sandwiches, hot cocoa, and the Phineas and Ferb Marathon!!!!! i am, in fact, extraordinarily in love with Perry the Platypus. It was a glorious day.

in my sickness, i have been doing a lot of paper cutting, which is a favourite of mine. i get my downloads from Toy-A-Day and Scherenschnitte
they are great. i made myself a William Shakespeare from the first and some birthday presents from the latter's template tuesdays.
so that's what i've been doing.....and some reading. i finished northanger abbey finally! and am starting in on persuasion and mr. darcy, vampyre. what can i say? pbs has inspired me once again. i loooooooved their new version of emma and northanger abbey is starting this weekend!!! yayaaaaaaayayayayay

additionally.....i've been drinking lots of tea

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