Friday, June 25, 2010

in which i post about my first weekly feature


STUFF ON THE CAT!!!!! ( i will not claim his as mine or my sisterinlaw will be perturbed....but then again i might as well, as she will be more perturbed when she finds out about this..........)
"Hey, Mr. Tangerine Cat, play a song for me......"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I've been meaning to.... (a post in which i have died and gone to timelord heaven)

It seems like I'm always saying that. It's one of my fatal character flaws. For instance, I've been meaning to post about some baking I did...I even took pictures! Sigh.
So. I'm breaking the least for today.

I have just stumbled on the most AMAZING etsy shop....i want to buy myself several birthday presents....via Cutable, one of my favourite blogs....

There are tshirts and hoodies and even a canvas bag.....daleks, the tardis, cybermen, oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me just say that it is taking everything I have to not go wake my mummy up (hahaha...are you my mummy??? there's some of those too!!!!) so I can show her....
As it is, I am promising myself maybe if I finish typing up my new rehearsal schedule maybe I can see if I can budget one in!!!!! Oh holy cow, my geeky nerdy fangirlself has just died and gone to heaven.....

now if only I owned this too....
and this.....I have officially died......I am bouncing off the walls and have utterly no idea what to do with myself!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fail Day

Okay. exciting pictures from the cookout. My head hurt yesterday, but when I woke up today it was even worse...stupid migraine....spent most of the day with my eyes closed. On the up side, it's been a very long time since I've had yay. And now, it's gotten better enough that I am watching Live Free or Die Hard to make myself feel less useless. Huzzah. And I also got to see my darling niece play in her swimming pool....Oh, Ollie!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ramble On

Today I worked in the garden, well, technically on the garden. The bed still is not made for the tomatoes. The rest of the garden is going well...the strawberry bed is darling. The lettuces and onions and beets, cabbages, and brocolli are going well, among others. Next time I will take my camera out with me so as to document it all! After watering, I did some measuring and general cleaning up to help dad in the almost finishing our little allotment.

In other news, I finished sewing up a pair of pajama shorts after dinner. Yay! Been trying out a new pattern in order to make some cute plaid patchwork shorts for campwear. Summer theatre camp starts next Monday....definitely not ready! Sigh....Rehearsal starts on Tuesday for Peter Pan...yay and's going to be a crazy summer once again. Huzzah!

My crafting has fallen to very low, practically nonexistant. I did make a dalek head to go on a yoghurt cup out of clay. Haven't managed to bring home the silver spraypaint for the body, or checked to see if I have grey paint for the head.

Need to finish crocheting up the bear I started while subbing

Have a cookout to go to tommorow.

Went to see a production of "The Two Towers" last night. Was quite enjoyable and very interesting.

Said "Ow, my foot!" about a zillion times while working in the yard

Watching Dr. Who ~ yay! Do so wish for 72" Dr. Who curtains to sew with and a David Tennant as Dr. Who action figure....also can't wait for the RSC Hamlet starring him to be on dvd.

Got some Liberty of London dishes and a platter on clearance at Target yesterday...YAYAAAAY! Do so want to have a lovely tea party now.

Right, that's about all for next time, so as to avoid boring ramblingness.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

in which i desire a book

i have had my head buried in Persuasion full stop for the last few days, whenever i could find the time......i am longing for regency frocks and dashing heroes...and jane inspired crafts!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

in which i am sick

i haven't been doing much lately...i have a massive head cold and sore throat...luckily we had snow days yesterday and today, so i have not been exposing any of the high schoolers to it. i did brave the snow to watch this movie yesterday, though

on Sunday, my dearest sister-in-law, Karisa and I had a delightful playdate that included grilled cheese sandwiches, hot cocoa, and the Phineas and Ferb Marathon!!!!! i am, in fact, extraordinarily in love with Perry the Platypus. It was a glorious day.

in my sickness, i have been doing a lot of paper cutting, which is a favourite of mine. i get my downloads from Toy-A-Day and Scherenschnitte
they are great. i made myself a William Shakespeare from the first and some birthday presents from the latter's template tuesdays.
so that's what i've been doing.....and some reading. i finished northanger abbey finally! and am starting in on persuasion and mr. darcy, vampyre. what can i say? pbs has inspired me once again. i loooooooved their new version of emma and northanger abbey is starting this weekend!!! yayaaaaaaayayayayay

additionally.....i've been drinking lots of tea

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upon having been a blogging failure...

Upon having been a blogging failure since, oh, I started this lovely blog, I made a lovely pair of earrings to commemorate said event. One says "Epic" and the other says "Fail". Totally appropriate. I shall wear them as a reminder to fail no more! and also because I love them. Now if only I had pins long enough to make awesome sprinkles ones.........guess I've got a shopping list!

Today I also started putting together my green pearl necklace. I've been wanting a coloured pearl necklace for quite a while. Luckily for me, I was given a Hobby Lobby gift card for Christmas - it must have been fate!!!!!!

Big news ~ I am officially a substitute teacher! Now all I have to do is wait for the phone to ring! I know I've got a sweet day of babysitting on the 17th for soph/jr h.s. english. Yay! It's a reading day. Hopefully it will be fun. Even more hopefully, my Percy Jackson and the Olympians box set will be in from the 3rd grade book order!!! I loooooooooooove book order so very much! And I've got my very own book order dealer in the form of my superduper covered in awesome sprinkles sister in law! HUZZAH!!!!!

We've started the spring show. We're doing a musical...which will be interesting...but it's the one Karisa and I directed last summer for summer camp, so at least I've got it down forward and backward! And I get to do way more with the build a beanstalk!!!!

Well, with all that news and rambling, I think I'll sign off with a picture of one of my favourite and best things these currently waiting for season 3 to come out on dvd

earring and necklace pictures to come in the near future!!!