Monday, September 28, 2009

A Rambling Hello - in a Mad Tea Party-Jumbled sort of Way

I'm starting this blog as a way of joining the online crafting community I have been stalking for over a year and to help myself. I suffer from depression and have discovered that regular crafting is a miraculous medicine! In the words of Mad-Eye Moody, it requires constant vigilance, which is where the blog comes in! It will be a place to share my handiworks and keep myself focused!

Today may not have been the first day of fall, but it was the first scarf-weather day of fall - which makes it a brilliant day in my book. And lucky for me, I had a brand new scarf to test drive! I have been meaning to start a few years now, but the final kick in the pants was seeing Julie & Julia. The movie inspired me to start finishing things I have started and finally get my blog going!

So.......I have become the Queen of U.F.O.s! I have finished 3 scarves this month (don't be too impressed, they were all garter stitch, so nothing too complicated!!!) and now I am working on a blanket I started last fall.

My name is Sarah. I love crafting and baking. Children's Theatre is my passion - I work at a high school as the Assistant Director and Set Designer. I'm learning to take pictures on my expensive camera slowly, but surely.

Welcome and Enjoy!!!!!

Have a cupcake and please come back again! There's plenty of room at the table!!!!!!

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