Sunday, June 5, 2011

a bit of stuff

been totally uninspired lately. anybody notice? i suck.

good things this weekend though.
fire pit
s'mores with giant marshmallows and chocolate covered graham crackers
obsessing over The Hunger Games series
loving Charles AND Erik
assessing that Jennifer Lawrence will probably be a good Katniss Everdeen, but still don't think I want to see any of it on film
Being intrigued by the The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo trailer but not really thinking i want to see it....and if i were to see one, shouldn't i see the original, not the english version...but i read the books...i really think that might be enough....violence, as it were
Watching the Rise of the Planet of the Apes trailer to figure out what Draco Malfoy is doing in it and deciding I will NOT be seeing it because the monkeys are extraordinarily terriffying!!!!
dreaming of the day Jane Eyre comes out on DVD and finding Jane Slayer in the dollar sale at Borders
remembering how amazingly awesome and entrancing blowing bubbles is