Thursday, March 31, 2011


Thing of the day: this etsy site! the most gorgeous bags i've ever seen!!!!!

I can't even begin to choose a favourite!!!!

However, this is totally my fave style!

I urge you to check them all out. She uses Hmong baby carriers and fabric from Indian tribes. So cool!

Anyone else think my obsessive overuse of exclamation points is as obnoxious as I do?

In other news, I cannot wait until my medicines are all kicked in and kicked out. Sigh. My brain is no good right now. Which is never a good thing this close to a show. Ah well, I've survived worse.

Will be living at the h.s. this weekend.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 That's Geektastic!

OHMIGOSH!!!!! This shirt is hilariously awesome!!!!!!! I loooooove it!

Best thing Ever!!!!!!

And in other great things, I would to
tally wear this for life!!!!

And she's got lots of other brilliant, reasonably priced jewelerys in her Etsy shop!

And because clearly this blog is a twidge nerdcentric, I give you these:

It's been a great week in Doctor Who mash-up tshirts!!!! I so especially am in love with the Tom Baker/Winnie the Pooh one!!!!!

And now, in the world of Sarah, things were pretty same old, same old today. Mom's still sick. The kids are still cough-y. My back is super painful. The Oompa Loompas were superduper adorable during rehearsal today. I get to write an accident report tomorrow - hurrah.
Watching some Chuck currently, but I think I'm off to bedferdshire now!

all nerdiness today scavanged from FashionablyGeek

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dia 20 ~ a song and some nerdiness

The Ataris

"Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start"

today was a good day.
I didn't even have to use my a.k.
at least I didn't get my heart broken anyway
wasting time in east new jersey.
guess I could tell you 'bout
the snow covered rooftops,
sunsets, shooting stars and picturesque backdrops.
or how I went and hung out at quick-stop
and pretended that I was in clerks.

sometimes you gotta stop and remember
that your not gonna live forever.
be young, think smart, stay true
and just follow your heart.

remember the times we watched "karate kid"
and memorized every line
skipped school and went to the arcade
hung out and played galaga all day.
stole a car and we drove to michigan.
600 miles with no destination.
except to get in the car and drive
and see where we'll end up.

sometimes you gotta stop and remember.
that your not gonna be young forever.
think smart, have fun, stay true
and don't ever grow up.

out of all I've learned in life
you always keep your friends close to your heart.
'cause who will help you if you're falling down.

and everything is o.k.

p.s. I love The Ataris

So. I'm having a very hard time deciding who to vote for today in Masterpiece Madness...Mr. Darcy or Mr. Rochester. They both have their amazing points and the certainly both have their major ass points. I'm also trying to not choose based on any actor that may have played either one of them....ahem, Colin Firth, cough, cough....I dunno. Mr. Darcy is going to win. It's only been up 6 hours and he's almost got 500 votes. But I really just want to make an informed decision. Sigh. This is ridiculous. I'm being ridiculous! Oh well!!!!

In other, geekier news, I totally need to print this!!!!! That's right! It's a growth chart featuring the likes of Frodo, Tribbles, Leia, R-2, Vader, Yoda and....a Dalek!!! So many of my favourite things all in one lovely chart meant to show how tall your loved ones have grown! So excellent!!!!!!

Okay. That's it for me for the day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

19 & 20

Sunday. It happened. There was turkey. There were scotcheroos. There was cardboard cutting.
End of Subject.

Monday ~ kids and mum tragically still hacking up lungs and/or snot. Sad day. Had some good accomplishments at rehearsal. Feeling a bit better myself, although so many different drugs going in and out of my system, it tends to remain up in the air.

So, yeah. Pretty much all the cardboard is cut out, the flats are up. Time to begin MUCH painting....if only I knew where my paint pants were and/or whether or not they fit...yeah, probably not so much so. Hmmmm.

I think I might be unable to read anything but YA fiction.....seriously. Many book reviews to come.....look forward to the first one this week!

Pills killing me. Need sleep.

More Tomorrow.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 18

So today. Saturday. Awesome morning meeting with most of our adorable loompas.
Then it was off to Mahomet to spend the lunchy/afternoony time thrifting with Sarah....which was so awesome, but semibackfired because I've never been thrifting in Gibson on a Saturday and the kids store was closed. BOOOOOO!!!!!!!! But we did go to the fancy chocolatiery, Black and White, where we got the most AMAZING salted caramels!!!! So brilliant!!!!

Also, the little Chinese place in Mahomet reminded me of home....well, technically the Chinese place in Eureka...and it was so happy. And yummy!!!!

I got my antiinflamitory pills for my back pain. Yay.

The rest of my day was drear....just trying to keep the pain down and the brain calm right now. Didn't watch Doctor Who because I didn't think crying that much would be advantageous at this point in the game.

Tomorrow will be brilliant. It's Springsgiving Day!!!!!! Turkey soup with leftover gravy and stuffing is only a day or so away!!!!!!!!! How bad can life really be?!?!?!?!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 17: SPOILER ALERT (skip the first bit if you don't want the climax of LOTR ruined for you)

The following event(s) took place in Middle-earth on March 25th: (via
  • The Host is surrounded on the Slag-hills (3019)
  • Downfall of Barad-dûr and the passing of Sauron (3019)
  • Frodo and Samwise reach the Sammath Naur (3019)
  • Gollum seizes the Ring and falls in the Cracks of Doom (3019)
  • Minas Tirith (3019)
  • Frodo comes home (3020)
  • Birth of Elanor the Fair, daughter of Samwise (3021)
That's right people, today is THE day! The day of ALL days, really! The fall of Barad-dur and Sauron. Rock on Frodo, Sam, & well as everyone back at Minas Tirith, indeed all of Gondor, fighting for their lives and the defense of Middle Earth. Woohoo!!!! Best day EVER!!!!!

Next up: Doctor Who hair clips!

Tardis..........................................and Dalek..............................and Bad Wolf, OH MY!
They are actually all one of a pair.
Colours are variable on request!!!!
If I can draw it, I will sell it!!!!

Yay! I can't wait until Sarah sees them tomorrow!!!!!! They turned out even better than I hoped for, particularly the Bad Wolf ones. And now I just want to make Daleks in every colour!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!

So. I am currently looking up songs about gum for the play.....gotta have a lovely gum song for's been extraordinarily interesting so far.....i encourage you all to check it out...but boy is there a lot of crap out there!!!! too much!!!

Whooo Hwoooo!!!! I've found an Ella Fitzgerald/bubble gum song!!!! Perfecto!!!!!

Today was a big crazy day. Rehearsal from 9-1. Doctor at wonderful! very successful visit. Then home for a twidge. Off to comfort Doodle (she's been sick all week and just couldn't handle it any more). Then off to C-U with Dad...medicine to pick up, lightbulbs and concrete mix at lowes, a bit of groceries, and way too much time waiting at pharmacies (that's right...multiple) to find out that no one could give me my most anticipated muscle relaxors.....sigh. I have high hopes for getting it tomorrow!

Big day tomorrow too.....parents meeting at 10. Off to Gibson after that for lunch and thrifting with Sarah. Set work and painting the flats Warhol-style after that. Also some springthanksgiving dinner prep prolly, in anticipation of Sunday.....YAY TURKEY SOUP!!!!!!!!

It's my favourite time of the early months ~ the second coming of fresh Turkey Soup!!!!!

right. that's it. this is sarah signing off for the night. over and out!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 16 (baking nonsense)

so.....this is how my night was........

yes, yes i was attempting to melt marshmallows for rice crispie treats....easiest thing in the world, huh?!?

yeah, well, don't use stale marshmallows. that's all i've got to say.

Starting over....
this time, with a yummy coffee drink!!! (duh, that makes everything better!)

This time, with much better results

yay me! mostly, though ~ YAY SPRINKLES!!!!!!
and in good news today, I used up two different containers of sprinkles from the worries, though, we are still totally prepared for sprinklegeddon at chez yeagle....

someday, I will show the world how obsessed with sprinkles my baking section is!!!!

someday I will also get my (insert a name of any person at all, really) to buy me one or more of these::::::::
So that I can make lots and lots of these::::::

Yes, that's right. Lots of teeny tiny donuts.....this glorious pan can be purchased for only $8.75 at Amazon by clicking on those pictures. How awesome is that?!?!?! They were totally $9.99/pan at Meijer today!

Right, so. I'm going to hold off on hair clip pictures until tomorrow as there are a ridiculous amount of pictures in this post.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 15

Today was Wednesday. Usually group night, but two of us were sick and so we postponed....instead I went to work and built 3 candy machine bases! Hurrah!!! And in an inspired move, one of them is Triangular!!!!! So Fun! Can't wait to paint them and add bits and bobs....already have swim noodles and hula hoops....

So. Some things I liked tod
This purse from Ruche is so great! And lining is cupcake fabric!!!! So great!
(click on the picture to check it and more out)

Additionally, you really need to check out these Steampunk Star Wars characters! So freaking awesome! I want to be Steampunk Leia for Halloween so much!!!!

I think I say "So" way too much on this blog.....I wonder i
f I should try and stop doing that quite so much.....hmmmmm

Today I got my Doctor Who hairclip order completed. I will package it in the morning and deliver it at lunch, so pictures tomorrow.
They are great....particularly the one that I was most worried about creating in the first place. Yay Me!

This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart....

I bullied all my friends on Facebook today to get involved and save PBS! Honestly, my life would be so completely different if I had not grown up with PBS in my life (no cable for this girl, YUCK!). It has been so influential in forming me into the person that I have become. People who think we can just do away with all National Funding for PBS are just plain stupid. It makes my heart sick!!!!!!!

Please go now and help save our PBS and NPR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 14

March is.......

so, in honour......K and I scrapped all day long!!!!! Well, except for the baby duties and her having a terrible cold and me having a terrible back, we were semisuccessful!!!!

It was brilliant!!!!!

I worked on one of my projects from my tomorrow, it's not quite finished.

Short post tonight. Have a migraine coming on, must close eyes as soon as possible!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 13

it's always an early bloomer.......these pics are a week or two old, but oh it's one of my all time favourites!!!!!!

had a lovely impromptu lunch and some quality time with the bro and his beautiful fam.

can't wait for tomorrow!!!!! k and i are going to scrap like there's no tomorrow, possibly because I can't even remember the last time we actually did any scrapping together!!! (hopefully the kids will let us...fingers crossed!)

I'm hoping to use some of the pictures I just got from Shutterfly to start a photojournal....Grammy got me Elsie's Photojournal E-Course for Christmas!!!!! Best thing ever!!!! Soooooo excited!

Am also going to be busting out the shrinkydinks for a couple of projects that have a Wednesday due date. Huzzah!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 12

Belated St. Patrick's Day pic of GusGus and Me ~ our matchymatchy leprechaun shoe socks!!!!
So Cute!!!!

A-MAZING!!!!!!!! Doctor and Adrick earrings!!!!!!!! I soooooooooooo NEED them!!!!!!!!!! (click on picture to buy them for me!!!!!) BEst ThInG EVEr!!!!!

and check out this adipose hair clip! so precious!!!! also the cybus industries logo!!!! so great!!!

Clearly, it is a Doctor Who day.....sorry......I'm currently searching for a 10th doctor action figure and totally once again got distracted on etsy, where clearly, they do not sell action figures like i am looking for.....although there are alllllll kinds of things there that i want.....sigh.

So. today. Couldn't go to church because of my back....pews are deadly. Read some Harry Dresden. Uploaded pictures to my computer. Had family dinner, was quite lovely...except Doodle is sickly. Poor Roo!!!! Gus has decided he likes to hang out with me while we eat. Of course he only desperately wishes he could eat real food, so he chews my thumb instead....his bite has improved fiercely as of late.
Yeah. That's about it. Read some blogs. Added some new blogs. Worried about how I'm going to get the set done when I can only move so much. Stopped worrying because I WILL get it done this week no matter what.
Yep. That's pretty much the jist of my day.

okay. well. i'm going to bed soon as bones is over...............

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 11

i MUST make a bag like the one on left!!!!!!!!

via Fashionably Geek

So. I can move better least somewhat!!!!

Hmmm. Whatelse? Oh. I finished Linger today. Sigh. So lovely! Unfortunately, Forever does not come out until my birthday....which is in July....but how cool is it that it comes out ON my birthday....not that I'll get it or anything, cause I already have Shiver in paperback. Sigh.

This means, one more book from the library to read (Jane) and then I can get the next Hunger Games book. Huzzah!!!! I cannot wait!!!!

Of course, I also have to read the first Dresden book and a couple of books the drama kids lent me and some Jane Austen continuations loaned to me by a dear friend......I am soooo backed up on books right now......huzzah!!!!! i lurve reading sooooooo very much!!!!! Good thing it's spring break!!!!!!

So. In between set building/painting, crafting, visiting with friends, and break is kinda packed! plus i need to do taxes, some other paperwork, and get a grownup job.......GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!

Also. must put up crafty pictures. and work on my Goodreads account. Really want to get some books entered into that one!!!!!!!!!

Busy, busy week ahead!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 10

So. Bestest thing ever. 2 things, actually. even better than yesterday's appearance of a new screen shot from The Deathly Hallows Pt 2......

They have found Atlantis!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!! I know I've personally been looking for it for years.

Well, that and the Bermuda grandparents had a book about the bermuda triangle and from a young age I've always been interested in that kind of stuff....the whole Roanoke colony thing, the loch ness monster, bigfoot, human spontaneous combustion, etc, etc, etc

And the other most epic awesomeness of the day......drumroll please.....

New footage from The Deathly Hallows!!!!!!!!! And cast talking!!!!!!

Huzzah!!!!!!!!! Best day EVER!!!!!! least on the Sarahland, however, not so cool.....currently suffering from such intense lower back pain that I can barely move. How awesome is that?!?!?! Yeah, that's what I thought. Pretty freaking awesome. Good job spring break started today and I totally had noooooo plans. It's not like I was going to build and paint a set or anything.......................sigh.....

Yep. So. that's my day. I could barely lift Gus from one position to another on my lap. Good grief!!!! Back pain is hereditary in my fam, so Yay me!

And now I will go to bed, I believe!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 9

Best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!! Finally a new image from Part 2!!!!!!!!
I'm soooooooooooo excited!!!!! If only we didn't have a show the night that it opens....sigh.

Doodle went for her 0-3 testing today and did awesomely....of course!!!!! she's a stinking little genius!!!! seriously!!!!!
Gus and I hung out, snuggled and snoozed.

Rehearsal seemed a twidge futile, as half the cast was gone, but we accomplished some good things I think, and Grandpa Joe got the rest of his blocking.

In honour of St. Patrick's Day, we had family dinner....corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and beef house rolls. Duh. The only thing to have! Tragically, there was no baking of bailey's bundt or guinness cupcakes as the bro & fam have given up sweets for Lent. Sigh. Oh well, I didn't have time to bake anyway. Double Sigh!!!!!!

Currently putting together 4 large lasagnas for our Lenten meal duties tomorrow after Stations of the Cross.

School gets out early tomorrow and as soon as rehearsal gets over it is officially spring break! ohmygosh how glad am i that it is here?!?!?!?!?! Seriously! I totally don't care that I will spend most of it at the school. It is totally and completely time for a well deserved break!!!!!! YAAAAY!

Day 8, a little late

So I got home from group about 11:30 last night and didn't realize that I didn't blog until I was laying in bed, waiting to fall asleep. Sigh......

Twas not a very exciting day.
Rehearsal was chaos.
Doodle, GusGus and I hung out while Mom was out buying corned beef and green clothing for the kids.....don't ask.
The highlight was having to run errands before group....ah, escape.
Group was very good. Wednesday nights with my new favourites are always good.
Getting ready to put a Dr. Who hair clip order together. Yay!

Yep. That's about it......ooh...and the small fireplace is back!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 7

day 7. sigh.

poor gusgus's tum was glum today. doodle tried on her new princess dress...not only did it cause princess dancewalking, but all talking became singing. so adorable.

japan's devastation and nuclear power plant distress have really gotten to me. i am trying to figure out what we can do to help. the drama kids don't have lots of money to send and neither do i.

i don't really have much to say today. and still no pictures. spring break starts after rehearsal on friday. that seems like a good thing to me. lots of set building to do. hopefully some crafting.

right now i'm just going to go to bed. the babitas will be here muy early. le sigh.

in good news, though.......

today in middle earth, denethor burns himself on a pyre.
also. theoden is slain.

good things also happened....but really, those are the ones i felt like proclaiming

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6

Day 6...just another day....
Doodle and I played and watched The Grinch (original version) this morning. Then I busted out the Fisher Price Little People St. Patrick's Day Parade set. She was in heaven. And GusGus was totally loving the Irish jig music it plays. We played. She coloured. We called Grammy and told her about the new little people set. Then lunch. Then GusGus got sad and we watched Matlock to make it better. Worked on the rehearsal schedule. Doodle got up from her nap and informed me she wanted to watch Frosty...that girl looooves her Christmas movies, just like her auntie. sigh!
Then rehearsal.
Then off to the "big" city to get posters made. And buy lettuce. And way too many things for the kids....and a Phineas and Ferb Easter box for me....YAY!!!!! It needs a liner bag and then it can be a purse. Also a Talking Timmy Sheep for Doodle...Double Yay!!!!
Good tired......definitely pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 5

Sunday..........Ah, Sunday.

Woohoo! Slept in late!!! Very slow start to the day!
Finally made it out the door, adventures at D.G. with Dad. They had water noodles and small hoolahoops! Awesome sprinkles! AND in a freakishly amazing turn of events, they also had small plush squirrels which will be a perfect addition to the demise of Veruca Salt. I purchased the lot, plus a box of garbage can liners for my recycling bins at school. Super Awesome Shopping Trip!!!!

Finally, we made it to the h.s., which was our original destination. A Chocolate Factory cannot build itself without loads of cardboard and the mission of the day was to discover how much I had in stock and see if I needed to order the procurement of more cardboard over the course of the next few days. Spring break is imminently upon us, which means my knife, my paintbrush, random bits of bright coloured bits and bobs, and I will be extraordinarily busy!!! A set must be CREATED!!!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory WILL be gorge
ous to look at!!!!! And brilliant!!!!!!!

It was discovered that there is a copious amount of cardboard..and large cardboard, at that....behind the flats. Most excellent!

Then it was home again, home again. It's fundraiser time on PBS again, which means they are finally showing the last 4 episodes of David Tennant as Doctor Who. Today being the airing of the final episode. The End of Time, pt 2. I knew I would
cry. In fact, it was a given. I knew I would sob. Also a given. But damn, no amount of preparing mentally would have made it easier, even though I knew it was going to happen.........I texted my emotional vents back and forth with one of the kids who is also a die-hard whogirl during pledge breaks. We were both a mess. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to enter the world of Who as guided by Matt Smith, but David Tennant will always hold my heart. How could he not? Have you seen his Hamlet? And now he's doing Much Ado About Nothing with Donna. Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

So yeah, set working, squirrels, and David Tennant. Those were the main points of my day. Read a bit of Linger. Currently watching Bones reruns while typing this.

Pictures of squirrels imminent.

Especially as I am planning to put one on a headband to be the one testing to see if Veruca is a bad nut!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Also must find my shrinky dinks! I have a hair clip order to fill!!!!!!

Day 3 & Day 4

So, Mom's computer wouldn't let me sign on to blogger on Friday or Saturday, so here's what went down:

Day 3:
We, in a lovely turn of events, had canceled rehearsal for the day because we'd been struggling to fight terrible illness all week. It was so nice to not have that pressure to be ready to go and relax and snuggle with the kids and just be.
I did laundry. Superfun, always.
Doodle and I got prepared for our evening events by practicing our applause and "Bravo"'s.
Finally: our big evening plans!

K, Grammy, Doodle and I headed up to the land of GCMS to see Once Upon a Mattress. Doodle was so stinking adorable. She danced and danced and danced during the Spanish Panic. She cheered and yelled bravo and clapped and clapped. We only managed to make it through Act 1, though, as the show didn't start til 7:30 and it's a real musical, so it's loooooong. But boy was it worth it!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!! Best Night Ever!!!!!

Day 4:
Started out not so great but had a good ending.
First thing, I threw up.
Then it was decided that Dad and I would go grocery shopping. Which turned out to be a lovely trip. I got the yarn I had been needing and he got the planner pages he'd been needing. I successfully made it in and out of Michael's undistracted from my mission. I also officially made it in and out of Staples without getting distracted by pretty pens and notebooks. sigh. Tragedy tragedy.
Tons more grocery shopping ensued. Huzzah.
Home again, got food ready for the big Ultreya in F.C.
The ultreya was loverly. It was so good to see everyone again! I got to hang out with Sarah and get to know her husband a bit. Conversations of books, Die Hard, more abounded. Huzzah!!!!
Introduced Deacon Scott's wonderful Lenten playlet.
Wished we weren't losing an hour of sleep in the middle of the night.
Went to sleep.

Thus were the last two days. So very much excitement in this little corner of my world.

So worried about Japan. Terrifi-edly paranoid about their nuclear reactor situations. Prayers and thoughts with them all. Am going to find out what I can do to help.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2

Today was long. We're all still sick-feeling around here. Sigh....I had a meeting at 8:30am with Mickey, which was awesome. Must continue to do lots of praying on that front.
Practice, then performances at 7:00pm. 2 scenes from Charlie and the Hatter scene from my newest Alice play.....second time I've been forced to perform at Fine Arts since leaving high school. Also had to be in charge of the whole speaking thing. I pretty much failed.

Charlie discovered blue grass today, in the form of the opening to The Bearanstein Bears. He really quite liked it! Good choice, Chuck!!!!

Finally only one play to work on for a while. Or at least a couple days....I need to write up a little playlet on growing for the April Growing Together, which is of course, the Thursday after Charlie. I know after performing Shakespeare at the nursing home I said we'd never do a show the week after a show, but this is pretty much completely different. A) it's not Shakespeare being re-remembered from the previous fall. B) it's five minutes for 0-5 year olds. I think we can handle it!

Okay. Now it's off to dreamland. Where I will dream of dutifully doing laundry and cleaning the house and being a perfect tenant.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1

and so begins a new journey. an attempt to actually get this blog thing right. regular entries. pictures i took. crafts i made. etc. etc. etc.
"life is a banquet"......and currently i am starving.
happy day 1!