Saturday, October 3, 2009

World Card Making Day

Well, I may have all but completely missed Sewing Month in September - I only managed one project, but it was a brilliant one....I shall post on it soon....but I have NOT missed World Card Making Day. Luckily, Karisa's birthday is tomorrow, so I had an excuse to drag all my scrapping supplies out and make a card or two....or four as it turned out!!!


First up ~ A card for my parents to give her

And a view of the inside.
For all of the cards I used paper from the Fun in the Sun summer stack that I got on clearance at Joann!!!! Huzzah for clearance!
This is the only one that has anything on the inside. I cut out several different things and I they were all so lovely that I had to use them all. I find cutting intricate paper bits quite relaxing.

This one is from me. It has a bit of three-dimensional flare to it....
Because I am

with using 3-d dots!!!!!!

And finally, a couple of cards inspired by some I found awhile back on Etsy, but for the life of me I don't know where or by who....probably someone who's blog I read, but since I currently have 346 blogs on my Bloglines, I'm really not sure who...or that it would be feasable to try and find it.....but I totally give credit to whosoever made cards in this manner first....I did not think it up on my own. This is an excellent way to use up scraps and not have to feel bad about not using them or just putting them straight in the recycle bin marked PAPER...and also, they are so cute. These are waiting to see if they need any embellishing. However, they are wonderful as is, as well.
They are just cut into strips and glued on! Brilliant! And Cute! And Green! But mostly FUN!!!!
I love them!!!

So anyway...I have a wedding reception to go to tonight and I feel like harf. It should be fun though. Lots of old family friends involved - always good. And it's Island Casual, so I don't have
to get all dressed up. I suppose I'll survive.

Happy World Card Making Day to all!!!!!!!!